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Tuesday, 24 March 2015



There has been so many atempts to solve the Israeli Palestinian Conflict. All attempts have failed.
There never will be a solution unless there is more give and take. There is fear on both sides. This mindset has to change but how ?

Here is another contribution to the debate. Probably this idea will be rejected too and so the violence goes on and on.
Here is another possible solution -

Signed in Jerusalem September 1st 2017

  1. A small piece of land surrounding The Dome on the Mount in Jerusalem will be designated The Capital Territory of Palestine in Jerusalem ( CTP ). The Parliament of Palestine and Administration Offices will remain located on the West Bank.
  2. Palestine - that is the West bank and Gaza within its present boundaries will be a new sovereign State and admitted into the United Nations in its new form recognised by Israel. Later, Parts of the Sinai might be ceded to Palestine for development.
  3. A new super highway will link the West bank and Gaza – funded by International Finance.
  4. Israeli settlements on the West bank will remain but no more settlements will be built unless sanctioned by Palestine.
  5. Subject to Israeli Planning Laws, Palestinians can build and invest in Housing Projects in Israel.
  6. Palestine will renounce all violence against Israel.
  7. Israel will renounce all violence against Palestine except in self defence.
  8. Palestine will recognise Israel as a sovereign independent State.
  9. Terrorism and Extremism of all kinds will be banned in both countries.
  10. Palestine will not have an army but will be allowed a Police Force – in reasonable numbers to keep the peace. The Palestine Defence Force.
  11. After 3 years of Peace, the Wall between Israel and Palestine will come down.
  12. Free Trade will be allowed between the 2 countries but no materials of War or Violence.
  13. Working Permits will be needed on both sides of the border.
  14. Gaza will have more investment in a Port to encourage Trade.
  15. Gaza / West Bank will have an Airport for non military use – to encourage Trade links.
  16. There will be more International Investment in both counties – Tourism and Industry Projects and Farming.
  17. Palestine will not support International Terrorism.
  18. The United Nations will guarantee the Sovereign Independence of both counties.
  19. A Non Aggression Pact will signed and ratified by all Religious Leaders – signed at The Dome on the Mount CTP in September 2017.
  20. The United Nations Assembly will officially welcome the Peace Treaty signatories to a special meeting of the General Assembly in New York.

Fear can be banished forever if two Peoples demand Peace and the Extremists on both sides are overruled by the majority of peaceful and decent human beings

A new Attitude towards Peace must be born again. Let it be.

Monday, 23 March 2015



Do we the Citizens of Britain want to return to the Middle Ages ? Do we want to turn the clock back when England rivalled Scotland, Wales rivalled England, Ireland rivalled England. Yorkists fought Lancastrians ? Do we want to be so Nationalistic, Regionalistic with Religous Diviion and strife ? Do we want a Begger thy Neighbour attitude to prevail ?
For the Majority the answer is a resounding No.
So, what is the problem In Britain Today ? It is selfish Divsionism and the wish to break up Britain as a United Kingdom – spearheaded by The Scottish Nationals.
However, there is a mood of change in the Nation. People feel that Big Government makes them feel small, left out, unheard and ruled by Big Brother.
This must change but How ?

Here is my solution -

Britain becomes a Monarchial Federation.

Devolution of Powers is accelerated to -

Northern Ireland

These Powers will be as at present but also more Powers over Taxation, Education Policy, Welfare Policy within Federal Budget fiscal allocations.

The Federal Government based in London will have the Powers over -

  • Defence
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Membership of NATO
  • National Health Services Budget
  • National Debt Repayment
  • Fiscal Policies relation to Defence, National Health , Welfare & Social Services Budgets
  • International Crime Prevention
  • Safeguards against Terrorism

The Federal Government will have a reduced number of Federal MPs – to be agreed
Similarly the structure of Devolved Government needs a review. The Federal Government will neet in Westminster Hall in the Palace of Westminster.
The English Parliament will meet in the existing House of Commons.
The reduced number Upper House ( House of Lords ) will meet in the existing House of Lords Chamber.
The reduced numbers of the Cabinet will still meet at Number 10 Downing Street.
The Prime Minister will reside at Number 10 Downing Street.

There will be a continuing repsect for the Separation of Powers -

  • The Queen – The Executive
  • Independent Judiciary
  • Federal Government - Legislature
  • National Governments – Legislatures

Many tourists especially from the USA call our country -

  • England
  • United Kingdom
  • Great Britain
  • The British Isles.
  • My suggestion is that we call our Federal Counry -

Great Britain ( GB )

This is how we are known at the Olympic games,

The National Flag will remain -

The Union Jack

The individual Nations Flags will remain as at present.


The Prime Minister The Rt,Hon. David Cameron MP has often referred to British Values.
What are British Values ?
Many people especially new Immigrants have no idea what is meant by British Values,
Many have come to Britain with the Values of their Country of Birth. They know no other set of Values. This is one of the big divisions in British Society today and leads directly to Immigrant separation from mainstream Britain. The creation of Immigrant Ghettos, Extremism and lack of integration with their British born neighbours is a major barrier to peace co-existence.
I believe that Multi Culturalism is leading to Multi – Divisionism. We need acceptance of British Values if we want to live in Britain and enjoy the great benefits of living in this country. We want to remain Britain and not to become a new country of Foreignism.

Here are my views about British Values -

  1. Although I am Welsh and I love Wales, I am a British Citizen and I owe allegience to Her Majesty The Queen whom I respect and admire very much.
    I respect The Rule of Law
  2. I want to live in peace with every citizen and visitor to Great Britain and the Rest of the peaceful World.
  3. I believe in Tolerance – particularly in Religion and non Religious beliefs,
  4. Democracy is my way of living and I respect our Democratic Institutions.
  5. I would not hurt anyone or be violent towards any person or Institution.
  6. Freedom of Speech – whether I like what I hear or not is a fundamental right of every citizen providing it is within the Law.
  7. I believe in Free Healthcare
  8. I believe in Free Education but I protect the right of anyone to pay for Private Healthcare or Education
  9. I pay my Taxes which are due and I do not try to evade paying British taxes.
  10. I am honest.
  11. I do not support aggression for territorial again.
  12. I want to live in peace with the rest of the World.
  13. I respect British Heritage – our Countryside and wild life and National Trust Properties.
  14. I accept Immigration but within controllable limitations set by the  British Government.
  15. I reject Barbaric cruel behaviour, Terrorism and Extremism wherever it occurs in the World.

There are many more variations of my List of British Values but I think that the majority of decent loyal British Citizens would agree with me.

Does Britain want to become The Dis United Kingdom or The Dis United Great Britain ?
Does Britain want bad feeling, discontent and separation between the 4 Nations that make up Great Britain ?

No, No, No.

Let us live in peace and harmony in a more prosperous Great Britain for all.
Let our Politicians accept the reality that people want change for the better – less Big Government and more participation and respect at 4 Nations Levels who are united in their love for their joint home – GREAT BRITAIN.

Sunday, 22 March 2015



The Coalition Government has made a brave start to try and increase the opportunity for new buyers to enter the House Owning Population by their 20% contribution towards the deposit to buy a new house. This is only the tip of the iceberg to solve the chronic shortage of new homes.
The Conservative and Labour Parties have promised to build 100,0000, 200,000 new homes in the future.
We need a more radical and futuristic approach to building new homes. So, what can new thinking embrace? Here is one proposition – I call it The Limited Period Building Incentive.

It will be for a limited period such as 2016 – 2019.

During this period, Builders – both Private and New Public Building Companies will pay no tax on the agree Profits that they make on new builds during this period.

Builders Profits will be defined as follows – Cost of Materials + Cost of Labour + Cost of Overheads + 50% Profit Margin. This is excluding any cost of Land. The Builder will make no profit on the cost of land.

Land will be sourced from Government owned land, County Council and Local Council Land or Brown sites and some Green Land – priced at a below market value rate – to be calculated by the Government.

VAT on Building Materials used by Builders during the LPBI will be 0% based.

The Government in conjunction with the County Councils and the Local Authorities would give Special Building Permits ( SBP ) to Builders. Auditors would check the individual accounts of Builders for the SBP sites.

There is one big problem remaining which we have to tackle. - Shortage of Manpower.
Here are some solutions -

  • Special entry Immigrant Labour would be sourced – if no British Labour was available – my 3 months advertising for British Labour rule would apply. They would not qualify for benefits.
  • The Government would create more Apprenticeships for Building Workers.
  • The Able bodied unemployed would be offered work with Builders to continue to receive any benefits at all.
  • Local Government Building Task forces could be employed in the private sector to help the New Build Programme.
  • New fast build materials would be sourced to speed up the Building Process – remember Pre Fabricated Houses after World War 2 ?
  • So, we need a new co-ordinated approach to the Manpower Problem.

There will be a Retail Price Cap on the new build houses of £125,000 at 2016 Prices modified by any Regional Differences. This will include Terraced Houses, Semi-Detached Houses and 2 Bedroom Apartments.
The resale price of these houses will be capped at original purchase price + 3% and can only be sold to people in the Classified Priority Groups. This will avoid people purchasing for capital gains reasons. – in other words these houses are not for the speculators !
This LPBI Policy should dramatically increase the supply of affordable homes.
However, there must be conditions such as-
The new LPBI Homes must be made available to – First Time Buyers and not speculators.
They must be available to British Citizens or Immigrants who are classified as Essential Workers such as Nurses, Doctors and the like.

Crazy? Well, at least it is innovative. We need some new thinking otherwise houses will remain too costly and we will still have a big housing shortage.



Britain is well served today with courses on Leadership Skills. Most of the time, theses courses are attended by Chairmen, Chief Executives, Directors and Senior Managers.
We need to develop Leadership Skills throughout the Organisation so that the Skills Set can flourish at all levels.

At the same time, In Britain Tomorrow there will be a need to develop Multifunctionism – a broad team approach to Strategy and Implementation of Policies. Executives need a wider knowledge of Business Functions and not remain in their Specialist Function Box.

A Core Need in the future will be a Change of Attitudes to Business Management. My suggestion is to adopt – as one example – my Philosophy as follows which has proved to be successful in companies whom I have worked with.

Total Involvement – Total Understanding – Total Commitment

  • Involve the staff in the Strategy Formulation Process, make sure everyone knows their role in the Business Plan Objectives and reward them appropriately.

  • Make sure that the staff understand the Aims of each sector of the Business and the Milestones to be achieved each Month in the Plan.

  • Encourage the Staff to commit to their role in the Business Plan.

In other words, create a positive attitude of Team Spirit throughout the Organisation.

Once again, the Business Schools have a key role to play as well as the Private Specialist Agencies.

The Successful Company of the Future needs to be Flexible with Positive Attitudes towards Change. If we do not adapt to change swiftly, we may find that the Competitive Advantage that we thought we had, has disappeared forever.



The Digital Internet Revolution has opened up a vast new World of Knowledge and Information of immense proportions. The Blog has enabled Educationalists, scholars and special interest groups to communicate Knowledge speedily and globally to audiences of every description.
Authors can create a Blog very easily – and upload their material onto the Global Internet fast. They can amend their research material instantly and they can encourage researchers to establish Discussion Forums across the World thereby widening the range of Knowledge in a particular subject. As an Educational Resource The Blog has become very popular amongst students and Education Professionals.
My Blog has been online for just over one year. I have posted some 40 articles in the following subject areas -

  • Music Education
  • Political Science
  • Current Affairs

People of all backgrounds are using The Blog to make their voices heard throughout the World.
This will let them overcome the Forth Knox Barriers of the Literary Agents and the Publishing Companies – The Publishing Companies say – We do not accept unsolicited Manuscripts. You mys go via a Literary Agent. The Literary Agent will say – We have too many clients.... we do not think that your Manuscript fits in to our Portfolio. The Voice of the Ordinary Citizen is too often not heard except for a few seconds on Newsnight or BBC QuestionTime.
Sometimes, the citizen might get a Letter to the Editor published in a National or Local Newspaper.
If the citizen tries to get an article published, the citizen faces a Brick Wall – We have our own journalists.
So, I applaud the new media to help get the voices of the citizens heard.

Although the Blog articles are primarily aimed at A Level and Degree Level students, they are also of interest to The Adult Audience and Government officials.

There is no doubt ion my experience that The Blog has great potential in Primary Education since more and more 5 – 15 year old children become Computer Literate.

It has attracted many thousands of readers form many countries.
My article – The Revolution in the Online Digital Music Industry ( 2013 ) is one of the most comprehensive articles about Online Music Publishing. It is a good example of how a Blog article can help students and reduce the risk of financial failure with their music projects.
This also applies to Business Asdvice paricularly for the SMEs – The Small Medium Enterprises

The blog will become more important as an educational tool. Where there is a shortage of Teaching Staff, The Blog and Centralised TV Productions can enable students of all subjects to learn jointly and collabarate through Social Media and Mass Real Time Television of Ket Subjects.
The Global Net can help bridge the gap between Nations and perhps play a role in developing peaceful understanding and links between students of every Nation.
The Knowledge Society combined with the Digital Age is here to stay. There are dangers that need to be monitored but on the whole the Blog is a tool for good and faster learning.

The growth of the iPad which brings portability and internet access will help considerably to widen the use of Internet streamed educational programmes.

Saturday, 7 March 2015


My New Book is completed.

The Voice of One British Citizen

A Treatise on the Political Social and Cultural Issues Facing Britain Today
I am exploring Literary Agents and some Publishers at the moment.

Enquiries to -