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Saturday 19 September 2015



I am grateful that I was born in the United Kingdom, in fact in Wales.
First and foremost I am British but I am proud to be Welsh as well - in that order.
Being British means that I love and respect England, I have great admiration for Scotland, I love the Irish North and Eire. Naturally, I support WALES in Rugby matches but I support England when they play overseas teams, Scotland and Ireland when they play overseas teams.

I feel a strong link with all the people who live and work in the British Isles.
I have had holidays in all countries in the the British Isles. I love the people, customs, the countryside, the food and drink and the ancient monuments. I also have studied the History of the British Isles - wars between England and Scotland, England and Wales, England and Ireland. I never want to see wars and strife between these countries ever again.

The trouble with blind Nationalism is that it is selfish. Bergar my neighbour attitude - I am alright Jack !
Personally, I never want to see Scotland become a foreign Nation.

The World today is so challenging to peace and prosperity. Weaknesses are exploited in commerce and terrorism.
Scottish Nationalists seem to be Hell bent on severing their membership of the United Kingdom with all the uncertainties that would bring. They are the epitome of selfishness.

One of their driving forces is their presumed ownership of Oil.
This is such a fallacy. The ownership of the North Sea Oil fields is shared with International Investors and Companies, the capital equipment is owned by International Companies, the Pipelines have been laid and owned by Consortia, the British Government have financial stakes and the legal right to tax revenues, the British Government has invested £ Billions.
No, the Scottish Government do not own the Oil Fields or the Oil Revenues !

In an unsettled World we must be on our guard against Foreign aggression and terrorism. A weak Independent Scotland would be vulnerable. Together, we remain strong.
It is a truism that some if not all Politicians love Power. Sometimes the driving force for change by some Leaders is to gain Personal Power. Who would not like to be President or Prime Minister?
I am suspicious of personal motives.

By now, the Reader will realise that I am against Scotland becoming an Independent Nation severing political links with the United Kingdom. I am against a second a Referendum. The first Referendum was unfair.. How could they negate Scottish Nationals living in England or elsewhere outside Scotland from a vote ?
Why? Because all of them would vote No. They like living in one United Kingdom.

My main objection is an emotional one. Scottish people are part of my family. They are my National identity just as much as Wales, England and Ireland are part of my identity.
In history, we are all mongrels ! We are a mix of Danes, Romans, Anglo Saxons, the Vikings, the Celts and ancient tribes.
We are a family mix of English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and International Immigrants - A Multi- Cultural Society.
As an United Kingdom we should be outward looking and not inward looking advocates of separation for Scotland, putting selfish interests before a United Kingdom that had brought so many benefits to the Nation such as freedom, religious tolerance, prosperity and peace. Yes, there is room for improvement.

Future prosperity will be gained from Unity not Fragmentation.

Monday 14 September 2015



Sometimes I wonder if the Political Parties in the United Kingdom have forgotten what Their Role is in Society and what their Objectives should be if they are in Government.
I am just one ordinary citizen and this is my personal view. Perhaps others would agree with me ?

Government needs to -

Maintain a civilised and peaceful Society and to protect all Citizens from harm, violence and attack from terrorism and foreign aggression.

To work tirelessly for Peace throughout the World without trying to thrust Democracy and Capitalism onto regimes who think otherwise.
Millions have lost their lives trying to do this. Peaceful Co- existence must be the key objective of Foreign Policy.

To maintain freedom of speech for everyone including the Press and Media.

To improve the lifestyle of all its citizens.

To provide free education for all its citizens.

To spend Public Money within sensible Budgets with the minimum of external borrowings - keep the deficit below £35 Billion per annum in the period 2020 - 2030.

To encourage a high level of Employment with incentives to Business to expand in the Domestic Market and Overseas Markets.

To provide homes for all families at affordable rates as a National Priority. Britain did this with pre- fabs and other schemes after World War 2.

To provide Healthcare free at the point of need.

To provide State Healthcare for all elderly and infirm people except for people with assets of £ 3 Millions at 2015 prices.

To reduce the size of the House of Lords and make it an elected second Chamber. Reduce the size of The House of Commons.

These should be the main Objectives. However, how can all these Objectives be achieved ?

It needs a major change of Attitudes. Here are some of the remedies that are needed.

Introduce a new Future State Pension Scheme which will need increased contributions during working life. Allow for inflation in Pension Projections. The present scheme is grossly underfunded and inadequate. It needs a major overhaul.

Set up a National Building Consortium to build affordable homes throughout the Country. Change taxation Policy for
Builders in this Consortium so that costs of building are drastically reduced. A Value Analysis is needed.

Use Quantitative Easing to fund shortfall in Healthcare Budgets and Care for the Elderly. If it worked for Banks then it should work for Healthcare.

Only participate in external conflicts as part of a United Nations
Coalition and funded by a General Assembly Budget.

Delay Projects such as HS2 and give priority to affordable housing.
Spend £100 Billions on this National Building Priority. Provide safeguards to prevent investor speculator gambling and fraud.

Be prepared to convert certain uneconomic farmland into
Eco Villages with affordable housing and landscaping.

Change attitudes to timescales and cannot be done Attitudes for example -  Objectives to be achieved in 5 years and 10 years spans.

Make the period 2016 - 2026 a Golden Era for BRITAIN.

Only a radical new approach to New Attitudes and Actions will be sufficient to change the gridlock Policies of Today.
The present pathway will ensure  that the problems In Britain Today WILL remain the problems In Britain Tomorrow !