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Tuesday 25 July 2017



I have spent a lifetime on and off as a University Student.
In between, I have some 30 years experience as Chief Executive during which I recruited and trained many young students and older students - Many on day release to attend a College to pursue a qualification which I encouraged my employees to achieve.

What about the Wellbeing of Students ?

How can Society look after the Welfare of Students who will be the bedrock of Britain's prosperity in the future ?

1 - Financial Pressures

The present formula of charging a Student £9,000 per annum, payable over a period of time in the working lives is a big burden.
My proposed change is to allocate a £27,000 allowance against tax, so that over time, these fees and high debts are repaid so that the cost to Students is £Nil.
Controversial ? Certainly. Practical over time accounting for inflation and Net Present Value ( NPV ) - certainly. At least it deserves discussion of the Pros and Cons. It is innovative !

2 - Student Housing and Facilities

I strongly support providing more rooms in Houses of Residence and at worse, houses for 4 - 6 Students.
Placing young students in Bed and Breakfast facilities, sometimes more than 1 hour travelling time each way to University is a very bad system.
A sole student in such place can get very lonely, missing friends and can get depressed before anyone notices.

3 - Quality of Teaching

Once up a time, I studied at Henley Business School for a MBA Degree. The Lecturer for the subject Marketing was so bad that the 43 other students asked me if I would teach them Marketing.
I was a Past Winner of The National Marketing Award - for An Outstanding Achievement in British Marketing !
I do not want to see a Teacher or Lecturer monitored all the time but there must be more Student feedback on the Quality of the Course Teaching. The once in a while Ofsted visit is insufficent monitoring.

4 - Structure of Tertiary Education.

There needs to be change in the Structure and Duration of Higher Education Qualifications.
For example, A Level 2 years should count towards a Degree and the syllabus amended accordingly. At the same time, the Duration of a Degree should then be reduced to 2 years at University, making a total duration of 4 years ( 2 at A Level called Part 1 and 2 at University Campus called Part 2 ).
In Nursing for example, this would speed up the flow of Nurses into the NHS - badly needed.

5 - Student Consultation

I accept that good progress is being made. A Review should be instigated into the Pros and Cons of present communications between Universities,Colleges and Schools and Students.

6 - Early Course Advice to Students

There is a temptation on many courses to flood Students with Reading Lists that are too wide, too complex and too daunting.
This is the cause of a lot of stress for Students.
Similarly, I have witnessed Examination Questions that are far distant from what the Student had been taught.

7 - Mental Health of Students

Every Higher Educational establishment should have a Mental Health Monitoring Service. Every Student should be checked for stress. Stress Management Modules should be built in to every course. Students need to know how to live a Healthy Lifestyle within University and during their Working lives.

8 - Monitoring Political Extremism

This is a danger within every Higher Education establishment.
This must be monitored closely by University Management.

9 - Diversity

Students should be checked before entrance more closely for their understanding of the English Language. This is often overlooked by High Educational establishments.

10 - Health and Workload of Teaching Staff

Too many Teachers / Lecturers are leaving the Profession because they are overworked with paperwork and reporting procedures demanded by Central Government. This source of stress and illness must be reduced.

11 - Governance

Management Boards should include Student and Parent Representation. Parents because often they are paying towards their children's High Education. I spent some £100,00 educating my children.

12 - Board for Student Affairs Department of Education

This should include lay people with strong Educational experience In  Higher Education to give a broad perspective and a fresh outlook on future Strategy and Policy. It should not be exclusively structured with serving Educationalists or retired Senior Educationalists.

These are just a few of my views for further debate.

Raymond John Williams MA MPhil MBA DIPM

July 2017

Wednesday 19 July 2017


So, The BBC have finally published their List of Salaries paid to their Entertainers. I wonder why it has taken so long ?

The List shows that the top earners are paid over £ 2 Millions per year whilst many are paid at least
£250,000 per year. What GLUTTONS !

This is a total disgrace and it shows how outrageous these payments are out of Public Money.
It also shows that the Top Management of The BBC have been out of touch with reality. How dare they pay thee salaries to people who are not worth it. How disgraceful that they waste Public Money in this way.

It also shows how bad the Government have been in allowing such salaries to be paid.
They should have put a cap on salaries at the BBC.

This latest burst of Gluttony follows news that some Chief Executives of Councils earn nearly £500,000 per year.
Vice Chancellors of some Universities earn nearly £400,000 per year.
School Head Teachers earn over £100,000.
People in the NHS such as Chief Execcutives, Consultants earn over £250,000 per year.
The Civil Service is just as bad offering massive salaries to the Top Brass.

NHS employees have had their salaries capped at 1% per year for more than 7 years.

We live in a Society of Gluttons. However, it is self perpetuating. Recruitment Agencies lead the way in saying - You must pay these salaries - it is the going rate.

Will this Gluttony ever stop. No, I do not think so.

Only, the Government can set limits in the Public Sector. Will they ?

What level of Expenses are these BBC high earners claiming ?

Are all these so called Celebrities paying 40% Income Tax on their earnings at the BBC ?
Or, are they channelling earnings via Companies which they have set up to reduce their Tax Take?

My view is that there should be a 60% Tax Rate on earnings over £100,000 per year.
I also think that as a matter of urgency, the Government should instruct HMRC to review the Tax Returns of BBC High Earners - just in case there is Tax Evasion practices going on.

Friday 7 July 2017



Here we are again - The Wimbledon Tennis Tournament.
It is a great occasion provided it does not rain like 2016.
The grounds are magnificent with the beautiful flowers. The Tennis stars are brilliant. We love going to Wimbledon if we can get tickets.

However, what we do not like is the big rip off for food and drinks.
They only sell Lanson Champaign. In 2016, Asda were selling the exact bottle of Lanson Champaign with a Wimbledon branded top for £26. At Wimbledon the exact same bottle was £75.
This year 2017, they were changing more than £80 per bottle.What a cheek and what a massive profit they were making. Rich people could not care less. They were buying lots of Champaign. Disgraceful!

One of the favourite drinks are Pims. This year they were serving Pims from a tap - full of lemonade and a small measure of Pims in a plastic cup. Hundreds were queuing up for some Pims. What was the cost ?  £8.50 per plastic glass ! £17 for the two of us. Plenty of ice as well. You can buy a bottle of Pims for £10. Another Rip Off.
But, people do not care.

Perhaps you fancy a piece of cake ? £3.50 per small slice. Or, a small bar of fruit - £3 please.

Coffee was more reasonable at £5 for two in a Cafetière. Nicely served.
Of course, many people park their car - another £20 unless you go to the Park and Ride for £15, taking 25 minutes to get to the ground.

Perhaps you would like a Programme ? That will be £10 please.

Perhaps you would like to book lunch at over £100 per person in the main restaurant.
Snacks such as  Hot dogs, fish and chips, sandwiches- all over priced.

OK, Wimbledon is special but be prepared to pay a lot for the experience.

I prefer Eastbourne Tennis. This year we saw Djolovic. Konta, Watson, Ostapemko and many more tennis stars. Better view on Centre Court and a lovely atmosphere.