So say Members of the National Rifle Association of America.
" The Constitution of America has enshrined into Law, the right of America Citizens to bear arms. " So say Members of the National Rifle Association of America.
In the USA Congress, there is deadlock over any change in Gun Laws.
Now, I have written several articles about USA Gun Laws. No one takes any notice. I sent my last article to President Trump but received no reply.
So, in order to help, I am summarising my solution to try and end mass murders in the USA.
1 Yes, the NRA Members can bear arms like the Constitution says BUT, only one Rifle for hunting purposes per Member.
2 Citizens can only own, one hand gun and six bullets for protection purposes only.
3 Anyone who wishes to buy or own a gun must produce a Doctors permit that they are of safe and sound of mind.
4 No mental patients should own a gun.
5 Permits to own guns last for one year. They must be renewed each year.
6 All automatic guns must be removed from shops including online shops.
7 The Federal Government will buy back all the stocks of automatic weapons.
8 It will be illegal to supply automatic weapons in future.
A 10 years jail sentence is waiting for offenders.
This will be a start. The present open ended Laws must be changed.
Will anyone out there listen ?
Will President Trump take the initiative ?
Surely, the lives of schoolchildren in the USA deserve protection from maniacs ?
Surely, citizens of the USA need more protection ?
Surely, my solution does not go against the USA Constitution ?
So, what is stopping Congress from acting ?