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Saturday 22 December 2012


When the Founding Fathers of the United States of America in the 18th century wrote the new Constitution, times were different in the New England States. Communications were not good, Transportation was not good, people lived in small towns and scattered village townnships.
There was therfore a basic need for people to protect themselves from a counter revolution, criminals and attack from the French Colonies and the Indian tribes.
What the Founding Fathers had in mind during those early years was for people to have - as a right - the ability to bear arms - such as a rifle or hand gun. There were no rapid fire guns that could shoot 100s of bullets per minute, no machine guns, no automatic weapons. In those days there were no mass killings of schoolchildren, few murders, few car bomb attacks - they were in peace time, a relative quiet environment for the citizens of the infant new Republic.

Today, in the early 21st Century, it is deeply built into the USA citizens psyche the right to bear arms - and these can be bought in stores and on the internet - a wide variety of automatic weapons that can kill masses in a matter of minutes. In the USA, Russia and Norway we have seen the results - hundreds of poeple masacred.

So, as President Obama has said - What can the Americans do ? How can we stop mass murders ?
The NRA - The National Rifle Association  - of the USA have argued feverently against banning firearms altogether for American citizens. They quote The American Conititution. They have suggested that armed police should be posted in each school in the USA to protect childern.
In ny view, the American House of Representatives and The Senate will never ban citiznes bearing arms.
So, what is the best way foward ?

My suggestions are  -

  • Uphold the USA Constitution right to bear arms but define this as - One handgun or rifle which can fire up to a maximun of 6 bullets.
  • No -one to have more than a store of 6 bullets at one time.
  • This should be enough protection for the citizen to protect himself or herself from a live threatening situation
  • Permits must be issued after vigorous checks on the applicants. Not everyone will want to bear arms.
  • All sales of weapons other than a handguns and rifles - NON AUTOMATIC - and limited to 6 bullets capacity WILL BE BANNED FROM SALE - with heavy penalties for ignoring the new law.
  • A moratorium will be granted of SIX MONTHS.
  • The USA Government will buy back all existing arms.
  • NRA Clubs - authorised by the Government will be allowed to store under strict safety conditions more bullets for use during Club hours. Unused bullets during Club hours must be returned to Club officials.

A new Bill - THE CITIZENS PROTECTION ACT - GUN LAW 2013 - SHOULD BE INTRODUCED and PASSED by Congress to impplement the changes

It is recognised that this is a compromise solution BUT it is a big step forward and it is practical and far better a solution than at present.

Can it be achieved? YES it can.
It is your choice America.

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