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Wednesday 29 July 2015



The World in 2015 is in turmoil. Decent people everywhere are suffering threats from Extremists of all types who believe that killing is the best way forward for their ideology.
If everyone who faced persecution were allowed to be granted Asylum in Europe, North America or Australia for example, the social fabric of these countries would be put under unbearable strain.

I feel very sorry for Migrants. They cannot be blamed for wanting to seek a better life away from violence and death. However, The United Nations should play a more prominent role in dealing with Asylum cases. There needs to be a better Policy and Strategy for dealing with Migration and Asylum cases. So, what could be done ?

The best way to tackle this problem is for the United Nations to take a more active role in maintaining peace in areas of conflict. Whatever happened to the Blue Berry Armies of the United Nations ? Why is it always left to the USA, UK and Europe to fight against extremism ?

Here are a few suggestions -

  • The United Nations General Council should vote to create a very strong alliance of armies and air forces who would wear the Blue Berries. China. India, Indonesia for example needs to become involved as well as Europe and North America - but the main burden should not be on the USA.
  • There is ample fighting manpower in Asia to back up the traditional forces of the West. Russia should also play a major role. Together, they could easily defeat the Extremists in The Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere.
  • These overwhelming forces would be deployed to prevent conflict and to destroy extremists in the World's present and future flashpoints. 
  • Peaceful  developing countries - supported by funds from a new UN Budget would take a larger number of Migrants and Asylum seekers.
  • These Asylum seekers would be provided with safe heavens and not economic benefits - note that the thousands of Migrants and Asylum seekers in Calais France - want to get to the UK for the Welfare Benefits system. Most are unskilled and uneducated.
  • Countries for repatriation could be in peaceful parts in Africa, South America and  Siberia for example.All countries are ripe for further development, they have the space but they need United Nations funds to succeed. Siberia for example has enormous resources that are untapped. Extra manpower could be very beneficial backed by new technology.
  • A quota system should operate in the Western World - USA, Canada, UK. Europe. 
  • Successful Migrants should be able to fill jobs that are needed to be filled - and that the local population cannot fill.
So, to sum up -

  • We need to overcome violence and extremism as a United Effort by the United Nations of the World.
  • A Sledgehammer Military Strategy is needed to defeat Extremists and not the present Feather Bed Approach. Too little too often.
  • We need new laws on Asylum
  • In the developed countries we need quota systems to deal with Migration. - and this should include Migration within the EU.

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