Before 1950 if you went to the cinema to see a Hollywood film, you would notice that in the street scenes in New York, every single man would be wearing a Hat. Thousands of them.
In gangster films, the Baddies would all be wearing... a Hat.
It was almost compulsory that a man had to wear a Hat as a sign of smartness. Does anyone remember the famous Hollywood Star James Cagney with his Hat on as he pointed a gun at his foe with the words...." You dirty Rat ! ? "
Nowadays, no one wears a Hat. In the recent Hollywood Blockbuster film, did you notice how many people wore hats ?
A Hat is out of fashion unless you go to a Wedding or Ascot Races !
OK, when you are on holiday in a warm climate, you should wear a hat to protect yourself from sun damage. I am sure that when you get home, you will not wear a trilby hat unless that is, you go on a shooting party in the countryside.
Farewell the 20th Century Hat.
Now , for the past 200 years or more, types of Ties and Cravats have been very popular with men.
In Hollywood films the Hat may have disappeared but the Tie was still worn with pride.
The Silk Ties were very popular. Versace, Dior ties were sold at £60 or more. They were in a high demand. Presenters on TV always wore ties - and many still wear ties. But, what about the rest of us ?
I suggest that the Tie is following the same demise as the Hat.
On Newsnight you will see guests without ties. Politicians on TV do not seem to want to wear ties. I think that most men today think that it is fashionable to not wear a Tie. It has become Macho for Adults to appear Tieless.
In Films, the Hero does not need a Tie. In Romantic plays at the Theatre, Men do not wear a Tie. It is regarded as Old Fashion and mainly for the Elderly.
Thank Goodness that most of our schools still insist that their students wear a School Tie. Perhaps Versace and Dior might catch on to this !
However, for the rest of us it is, AdiosThe Tie.
What next - No Shirts ? No Trousers ? The Half Naked Look ?
30 years Chief Executive in leading British Companies. Winner of The National Marketing Award - MA MPhil MBA DIPM. Government Certificate of Excellence. Composer of the musical Ria Conchita and 13 Pop Songs. Writer on topical Political, Social and Cultural subjects. 225 Articles 2010-2020. Voluntary Work for Wycombe Leisure Centre, Wycombe 50 Plus Club, Wycombe Swan Theatre, Bomber Command, College St George Windsor Castle. Business Advice Provider to over 1,000 Companies. BBCTV Pesonality
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Thursday, 31 August 2017
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
58,000 Members of Bomber Command in World War 2 lost their lives fighting the Nazi Regime and saving the Freedom and Way of Life that we enjoy today.
RAF Bomber Command will open in April 2018 a wonderful Memorial and Visitor Centre at Lincoln. It will be a fitting tribute to those who died serving Bomber Command mainly from airfields throughout Lincolnshire - referred to as The Bomber County.
The families of those who died have suffered a lifetime of loss. Many of those who died were aged only between 18 - 26. These losses included my Father who was only 26 when his Lancaster Bomber
EM-L was shot down over Ronnenburg Germany on the 18 October 1943.
Already £ Millions have been donated to this wonderful cause. £ More is needed to finish the Project and Maintain the IBCC - The International Bomber Command Centre for future generations.
The International Bomber Command Centre is a facility and memorial relating the historical impact of Bomber Command in Lincolnshire during the Second World War. Wikipedia
Address: IBCC Site, Canwick Hill, Lincoln LN4 2RF
Phone: 01778 421420
Founded: 2011
Affiliation: University of Lincoln
Leader: Anthony Worth
Type of business: Charitable organization
Nicky Barr is Director of The IBCC
Sue Taylor is her Personal Assistant - Email -
RAF Bomber Command will open in April 2018 a wonderful Memorial and Visitor Centre at Lincoln. It will be a fitting tribute to those who died serving Bomber Command mainly from airfields throughout Lincolnshire - referred to as The Bomber County.
The families of those who died have suffered a lifetime of loss. Many of those who died were aged only between 18 - 26. These losses included my Father who was only 26 when his Lancaster Bomber
EM-L was shot down over Ronnenburg Germany on the 18 October 1943.
Already £ Millions have been donated to this wonderful cause. £ More is needed to finish the Project and Maintain the IBCC - The International Bomber Command Centre for future generations.
The International Bomber Command Centre is a facility and memorial relating the historical impact of Bomber Command in Lincolnshire during the Second World War. Wikipedia
Address: IBCC Site, Canwick Hill, Lincoln LN4 2RF
Phone: 01778 421420
Founded: 2011
Affiliation: University of Lincoln
Leader: Anthony Worth
Type of business: Charitable organization
Nicky Barr is Director of The IBCC
Sue Taylor is her Personal Assistant - Email -
" DrJames Colthurst - Tea with Diana at Kensington Palace, followed by drinks with MBA fellow students at Henley "
In 1989 - 1992 I was a Mature Student at The Henley Management College ( now Henley Business School ) studying for a Master of Business Administration Degree. One of my fellow students was a young man in his thirties Dr James Colthurst. We both qualified with a MBA Degree.
He was a very charismatic and friendly man who was liked by the rest of the class of 43.
It was customary for the students to meet around the bar in the College about 6pm each day and to talk about the classes and topics of the day.
One day, which I remember so well, was the day James did not attend the Lecture in the afternoon but joined us for a drink at the bar. I asked him " What have you been doing today James ?
He replied " I have had afternoon tea with Princess Diana at Kensington Palace." I replied in disbelief " Really ? "
" How did you manage that ?"
James explained that he was a close friend of Princess Diana.
He explained that Princess Diana confided in him and that she often telephoned him at around midnight to talk about her problems. I was impressed.
I asked James " What was Diana really like ? He said that she was a wonderful, caring but sensitive woman and she loved her two sons William and Harry very much. James did not tell me any secrets and I did not question him any further. We had a beer or was it two ?
Little did I know that these trips to Kensington Palace was at the request of Princess Diana who wanted James to be her confidante, making tape recordings of her feelings about her marriage to Prince Charles and his close relationship with his friend Camilla.
James made a number of visits to Kensington Palace on behalf of Andrew Morton who later wrote a book about Diana and which caused a sensation.
During my studies at Henley, I helped Calor Gas whom I had known since the days in the 70s and 80s when I was the Founder and Managing Director of Camping Gaz ( GB ) Limited, with their new development in Medical Gases. I introduced James to my contacts at Calor Gas since he was highly qualified to help them.
Calor Gas were very impressed with James and he was appointed Managing Director of their new company.
In 1996, I was running my own successful Management Consultancy business. I had had glimpses of the anguish of Diana in her marriage from the Press reports about her marriage to Charles and I thought that I could help her. I wrote her a very nice letter offering her my Services if she needed a new Private Secretary. I received a nice letter from her Personnel Officer Mrs Charles Yaxley on the 19th February 1996, thanking me for the tone of my letter but said that Princess Diana did not want to take any action at this stage but they would keep my Letter on file for any future occasion. The letter was headed..........
The Personnel Officer to TRH Prince and Princess of Wales's Household. I have kept it to this day.
My next glimpses of the turmoil of the late Princess Diana was in 1998. James Colthurst had been exposed as the person who made the tapes at the request of Diana which Andrew Morton eventually used for his book about Princess Diana. His role and photo was spread across the front pages of many National News Papers.
James came to Henley in 1998 to give a talk about how the Press had treated him. They hounded him every day. They camped out on his doorstep. He told me that " They even visited the local butcher to find out what kind of meat I bought ! "
I felt very sorry for James and his family.
I had a nice friendly chat with James after the talk. I started to formulate my own opinion on what might have been if Diana had not died so tragically in Paris,
My view is that Diana would have married Dodi - that is purely my conclusion.
Former BBC Royal Correspondent Michael Cole agrees with me. In a recent article in The Daily Express ( August 2017 ) he concluded that Diana and Dodi were truly in love and that Dodi had bought an engagement ring for Diana which he proposed to give her on the day they both died.
However, some people felt that over time, she would have been immersed into the Dodi Muslim Family way of life and that her frustration would grow, that the wife, in Dodi's religion, was subservient to the husband in many ways. Some people felt that eventually, these pressures of her new lifestyle would cause a mental breakdown and she might have tried suicide again - she could not face another breakdown in her marriage, Remember, she had tried suicide as an escape from her grief about her marriage to Charles and his close relationship with Camilla. Of course, this is pure speculation by others.
I think that she would have been happy with Dodi who gave her comfort, understanding and love in her time of need.
I hope that that there would have been a happy ending for this wonderful compassionate Princess of the People - The Queen of Hearts as she wanted to be.
I have only had a glimpse of the real Diana over a 7 year period but probably the most dramatic period in the Diana Story.
I am full of praise for Dr James Colthurst due to the fact that as far as I know he has not tried to make large amounts of money out of his close personal relationship with Diana. Since we have reached the 20 years mark of her untimely death, I feel now is the time that James should write his own book about his relationship with Diana both before and after her marriage to Prince Charles. I think that the People of the World who care about Diana's Legacy should know the Truth and only the Truth about those dark years.
I feel privileged to have known Dr James Colthurst and to have had authentic Glimpses of Diana through the eyes of a decent, warm friend of hers. James helped Diana so much for coming to her aid and agreeing to make those intimate and revealing tape recordings. We should remember that Diana invited James to help her make those recordings. History is full of wars and evil . The Legacy of Diana is proof that Human Beings can provide Goodness to triumph over Evil. Diana shines like the brightest Star in the Heavens.
I hope that We, the People can be guided by her Legacy forever.
May her memory never be forgotten.
We should be very grateful to Dr James Colthurst for the key, understanding role he played in helping Diana Express her feelings.
" It was Dr James Colthurst who was the true Hero in allowing Princess Diana to go public about her anguish and failed marriage to Prince Charles. True, Andrew Morton wrote The Book about Diana but it was James Colthurst whom she invited to expose her story. History should recognise the efforts and friendship of Dr James Colthurst. He was a true and trusted friend of Diana.
He was the one who knew about her attempts at suicide, her eating disorders, her fear of isolation in the Royal Household and the possibility of losing her beloved William and Harry within The Establishment.
It was James Colthurst whom Diana turned to late at night when her doubts and anxiety about Charles were at their heights. James was her loyal friend and confidant long before others became involved. Yes, he was the true Rock on which she knew she could trust 100%."
" His positive role in relation to Princess Diana should be recognised. He is the one who should write a Book......unless he promised never to release her innermost secrets ! "
Dr James Colthurst in the days of his close friendship with Diana
Her car entered the tunnel in Paris at speed.
A person unknown, but probably a colleague of the motor cyclist, at the Exit End of the tunnel flashed a strong white light at the car with the intention to make the car slow down so that the Motorcyclist photographer, driving close to the car could take close up photos of Diana and Dodi in the back of the car.
However, the Plan failed because the light was too bright and blinded the driver of the car momentarily making the car swerve and crash into the pillar inside the tunnel.
It was an accident caused by independent members of the Press Photographers Community who were chasing the car from the Hotel and the person who shone the bright light at the car.
This is entirely the view of Eurekys and is speculation which may never be proven.
A person unknown, but probably a colleague of the motor cyclist, at the Exit End of the tunnel flashed a strong white light at the car with the intention to make the car slow down so that the Motorcyclist photographer, driving close to the car could take close up photos of Diana and Dodi in the back of the car.
However, the Plan failed because the light was too bright and blinded the driver of the car momentarily making the car swerve and crash into the pillar inside the tunnel.
It was an accident caused by independent members of the Press Photographers Community who were chasing the car from the Hotel and the person who shone the bright light at the car.
This is entirely the view of Eurekys and is speculation which may never be proven.
So, the current England Womens Cricket Team are World Champions. What a great achievement. What a long way Women's Cricket had come since the days in the 1960s when I was the Chief Executive of Ofrex Limited, Britain's largest Office Products Company at that time.
One of our brands was Fordigraph. An employee of Ofrex was John Chance who was friendly with Rachel Heyhoe, the Captain of the England Women's Team at the time.
As a result, I agreed to sponsor the England Team. We supplied them with kit including travel bags and other items for their tour of Australia.
One of my best memories was an invitation to attend the farewell party in Piccadilly prior to their departure for their Australian tour.
At the Party I was lucky to meet the famous England Cricket Team Star Len Hutton, opening batsman who served England so well with Denis Compton.
I had a photo taken with Len Hutton and Rachel Heyhoe, who later became Rachel Heyhoe Flint. What a magical evening that was.
I am so pleased that my modest sponsorship of the England Women's Cricket Team over fifty years ago has helped the Team on their way to greatness in modern times.
Rachel Heyhoe Flint has had a major role in the success of England Women's Cricket. She was already a dedicated leader in the Sixties.
Well done you Ladies. Keep up your great performance.
So, the current England Womens Cricket Team are World Champions. What a great achievement. What a long way Women's Cricket had come since the days in the 1960s when I was the Chief Executive of Ofrex Limited, Britain's largest Office Products Company at that time.
One of our brands was Fordigraph. An employee of Ofrex was John Chance who was friendly with Rachel Heyhoe, the Captain of the England Women's Team at the time.
As a result, I agreed to sponsor the England Team. We supplied them with kit including travel bags and other items for their tour of Australia.
One of my best memories was an invitation to attend the farewell party in Piccadilly prior to their departure for their Australian tour.
At the Party I was lucky to meet the famous England Cricket Team Star Len Hutton, opening batsman who served England so well with Denis Compton.
I had a photo taken with Len Hutton and Rachel Heyhoe, who later became Rachel Heyhoe Flint. What a magical evening that was.
I am so pleased that my modest sponsorship of the England Women's Cricket Team over fifty years ago has helped the Team on their way to greatness in modern times.
Rachel Heyhoe Flint has had a major role in the success of England Women's Cricket. She was already a dedicated leader in the Sixties.
Well done you Ladies. Keep up your great performance.
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
For Posterity
Wales has a population of some 3 Millions and it is one of the oldest and smallest Countries in the World.
The Welsh language is one of the oldest spoken languages in the World.
In West Wales and North Wales the majority of the citizens still speak Welsh and avidly protect and rightly cherish the Welsh language.
This Celtic Nation is a proud Nation but most people regard its integration into The United Kingdom as sacred.
I am Welsh but I am also strongly first and foremost British in my loyalty and outlook. Long may the Monarchy of Great Britain flourish and survive.
Wales has an identity that makes me so proud of my heritage.
I love Welsh songs, it's Choirs, its Rugby and Football, its Eisteddfod, its History and the thousands of Welshmen who fought in the World Wars 1 and 2. Many gave their lives, including my Welsh Father to defend Britain.
I love Welsh food such as Lavabread - a special type of seeweed which they harvest at Penclwdd near Swansea. I like Cockles from Swansea Market covered in Oatmeal, Welsh Lamb, Bara Menyn - a special type of bread, Welsh Beef, Milk from West Wales, Butter from Mid Wales and so on. They even produce Red and White Wines in Wales as well as Welsh Whiskey. Yum Yum !
Years ago, I hit on the idea of filling jars with Lavabread, attractive packaging, sold as a type of Welsh Caviar through shops such as Harrods and Selfriges in London and at major retail Supermarkets.
The Plan was to buy up the existing Lavabread production units in West Wales and expand as the business grew. Perhaps one day one of my Grandchildern will become Lavabread Millionaires !
Welsh people are friendly people. They love to say...
Croeso am Cymru...Welcome to Wales.
Each year, there is a warm welcome for The International Festival of Song and Dance held in Llangollen, North Wales. There is Peace, Unity and Happiness through the performances of people of many Nationalities.
The natural environment of Wales is simply breathtaking. Whether you visit the majestic mountains of Snowdonia in a North Wales,
The annual Eisteddfod held alternatively in North Wales and South Wales is a feast of Welsh Song, Dance, Poetry and Heritage.
The beautiful beaches of South Wales, particularly the Gower Peninsular, will make you marvel at the natural beauty of such a relatively small Country.
There is a certain lump in the throat when one crosses the Severn Bridge and passes the sign - Welcome to Wales. Yes, Wales is a very welcoming Country.
People talk to each other in the streets. They know their
neighbours. They help their neighbours in time of trouble.
Music is at the heart of Welsh People. In many a terrace house you will see in the front room - the Best Room , an upright piano.
Many schoolchildren take singing lessons.
Gone are the days when the Welsh fought the English. Throughout Wales, the visitor will see many Castles built by English Kings.
Today, the enemy are the English Rugby Team. However, the rivalry is in fun and not in anger - unless the English narrowly beat the Welsh.
Yes, Wales and England share a common future. The Welsh Nationalist Party, Plaid Cymru represent only a fraction of Welsh
Political opinion.
Devolution has given the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff a great deal of power. Of course, Politicians always want more power.
The vote to leave the EU was backed by a majority of the Welsh Electorate. The future of Wales is intertwined with the future of England and The United Kingdom. The Millions of servicemen from all over the United Kingdom who gave their lives in WW1 and WW2 did not give their sacrifice to see their Country torn apart by Political rivalry and insular perspective.
I want my Grandchildren to appreciate Wales. They may live most of their adult lives in England but I would like to see part of their Hearts in Wales. This is my legacy wish for them.
Thank you Wales for a lifetime of pride for my Welsh Heritage.
Thank you South Wales, North Wales and Mid Wales for giving me such pleasure over so many years. Diolch yr Fawr -Thank you very much.
Floreat Swansea my home Town. Cymru am Byth my Nation of Birth.
God Save the Queen and all the peaceful people of Great Britain -
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - and our friends throughout Europe. We may leave the EU but we will not leave Europe.
For Posterity
Wales has a population of some 3 Millions and it is one of the oldest and smallest Countries in the World.
The Welsh language is one of the oldest spoken languages in the World.
In West Wales and North Wales the majority of the citizens still speak Welsh and avidly protect and rightly cherish the Welsh language.
This Celtic Nation is a proud Nation but most people regard its integration into The United Kingdom as sacred.
I am Welsh but I am also strongly first and foremost British in my loyalty and outlook. Long may the Monarchy of Great Britain flourish and survive.
Wales has an identity that makes me so proud of my heritage.
I love Welsh songs, it's Choirs, its Rugby and Football, its Eisteddfod, its History and the thousands of Welshmen who fought in the World Wars 1 and 2. Many gave their lives, including my Welsh Father to defend Britain.
I love Welsh food such as Lavabread - a special type of seeweed which they harvest at Penclwdd near Swansea. I like Cockles from Swansea Market covered in Oatmeal, Welsh Lamb, Bara Menyn - a special type of bread, Welsh Beef, Milk from West Wales, Butter from Mid Wales and so on. They even produce Red and White Wines in Wales as well as Welsh Whiskey. Yum Yum !
Years ago, I hit on the idea of filling jars with Lavabread, attractive packaging, sold as a type of Welsh Caviar through shops such as Harrods and Selfriges in London and at major retail Supermarkets.
The Plan was to buy up the existing Lavabread production units in West Wales and expand as the business grew. Perhaps one day one of my Grandchildern will become Lavabread Millionaires !
Welsh people are friendly people. They love to say...
Croeso am Cymru...Welcome to Wales.
Each year, there is a warm welcome for The International Festival of Song and Dance held in Llangollen, North Wales. There is Peace, Unity and Happiness through the performances of people of many Nationalities.
The natural environment of Wales is simply breathtaking. Whether you visit the majestic mountains of Snowdonia in a North Wales,
The annual Eisteddfod held alternatively in North Wales and South Wales is a feast of Welsh Song, Dance, Poetry and Heritage.
The beautiful beaches of South Wales, particularly the Gower Peninsular, will make you marvel at the natural beauty of such a relatively small Country.
There is a certain lump in the throat when one crosses the Severn Bridge and passes the sign - Welcome to Wales. Yes, Wales is a very welcoming Country.
People talk to each other in the streets. They know their
neighbours. They help their neighbours in time of trouble.
Music is at the heart of Welsh People. In many a terrace house you will see in the front room - the Best Room , an upright piano.
Many schoolchildren take singing lessons.
Gone are the days when the Welsh fought the English. Throughout Wales, the visitor will see many Castles built by English Kings.
Today, the enemy are the English Rugby Team. However, the rivalry is in fun and not in anger - unless the English narrowly beat the Welsh.
Yes, Wales and England share a common future. The Welsh Nationalist Party, Plaid Cymru represent only a fraction of Welsh
Political opinion.
Devolution has given the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff a great deal of power. Of course, Politicians always want more power.
The vote to leave the EU was backed by a majority of the Welsh Electorate. The future of Wales is intertwined with the future of England and The United Kingdom. The Millions of servicemen from all over the United Kingdom who gave their lives in WW1 and WW2 did not give their sacrifice to see their Country torn apart by Political rivalry and insular perspective.
I want my Grandchildren to appreciate Wales. They may live most of their adult lives in England but I would like to see part of their Hearts in Wales. This is my legacy wish for them.
Thank you Wales for a lifetime of pride for my Welsh Heritage.
Thank you South Wales, North Wales and Mid Wales for giving me such pleasure over so many years. Diolch yr Fawr -Thank you very much.
Floreat Swansea my home Town. Cymru am Byth my Nation of Birth.
God Save the Queen and all the peaceful people of Great Britain -
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - and our friends throughout Europe. We may leave the EU but we will not leave Europe.
An unfinished WW2 Case Study
No one who watched the Ceremonies on BBC TV at the Menin Gate and Passhendaile Cemetery in Belgium to commemorate the 100 years since in 1917 more than 500,000 Allied soldiers died or were injured, could fail to be impressed by the work of the CWGC.
The way in which the white headstones were beautifully managed after so many years is a great impressive example of the work of the CWGC.
All over Northern France and Belgium you will find similar cemeteries managed so well by the CWGC. Thousands of white headstones with the bodies and remains of service personnel from the World Wars 1 and 2. After so many years, the headstones are clean, well maintained with little gardens of flowers.
I am very proud of the CWGC and their main supporters The Royal British Legion.
The families of those lost in the two World Wars are rightfully thankful to the CWGC for all their fine work. It is right and proper for the CWGC to leave this Legacy to the young as well. They must realise what War is all about. It is not glamorous. It is full of death and injury. They must remain alert to Dictatorship, challenges to Democracy and Terrorism. Good must prevail if we want to live a life of Freedom.
One can appreciate the difficulty for the CWGC identifying bodies or body parts. It was and is a difficult task.
However, to be realistic, mistakes are made by the CWGC.
In 2016, my brother and I discovered where Lancaster Bomber
EM- L crashed on the 18 October 1943. This was due to a great German Hero from Hannover, Herr Dirk Hartman.
We were given proof of the crash site by a Police Report, Witness Statement and Fragments of the Lancaster. Robert Hardman of the Daily Mail covered the whole story in such a caring and wonderful manner.
Dirk Hartman also discovered an official Report stating that on the 18 October 1943, Two Coffins were taken to the site near the road from Ronnenberg, the body parts of 6 charred airmen were taken and burried with 6 other Coffins in a communal grave at Ronnenberg Cemetery.
Another official Report listed the contents of each of the 8 Coffins burried at Ronnenberg.
In 1946 all 8 Coffins were dug up and taken to the new Hannover War Cemetery.
We have photographic evidence of grave Headstones with 2 names per gravestone at Hannover War cemetery - making 14 body parts remains. These have been identified by name.
20 bodies / parts were taken to Hannover War Cemetery. There are 6 bodies / parts left unaccounted for. EM- L bodies / parts burried at Ronnenberg in Coffins 7 and 8 amounted to 6. One Rear Air Gunner had bailed out and was a prisoner until repatriation in 1944 by the Germans.
Near to the headstones which are named at Ronnenberg Cemetery are some Headstones which are unmarked.
The British Legion in Hannover have stated that there are no records available to say what happened to Coffins 7-8.
We believe that the unmarked Headstones near the named Headstones from Ronnenberg contain the bodies / parts of 6 members of the crew of EM-L.
We appreciate the difficulties for the CWGC after WW2. We understand how documents could get lost.
However, we believe that we have all the circumstantial and positive evidence in Report form, to get the CWGC to place the names of the 6 crew members of EM- L on the Headstones identified.
Understandable mistakes can be made. We think that the burden of proof is on our side.
An unfinished WW2 Case Study
No one who watched the Ceremonies on BBC TV at the Menin Gate and Passhendaile Cemetery in Belgium to commemorate the 100 years since in 1917 more than 500,000 Allied soldiers died or were injured, could fail to be impressed by the work of the CWGC.
The way in which the white headstones were beautifully managed after so many years is a great impressive example of the work of the CWGC.
All over Northern France and Belgium you will find similar cemeteries managed so well by the CWGC. Thousands of white headstones with the bodies and remains of service personnel from the World Wars 1 and 2. After so many years, the headstones are clean, well maintained with little gardens of flowers.
I am very proud of the CWGC and their main supporters The Royal British Legion.
The families of those lost in the two World Wars are rightfully thankful to the CWGC for all their fine work. It is right and proper for the CWGC to leave this Legacy to the young as well. They must realise what War is all about. It is not glamorous. It is full of death and injury. They must remain alert to Dictatorship, challenges to Democracy and Terrorism. Good must prevail if we want to live a life of Freedom.
One can appreciate the difficulty for the CWGC identifying bodies or body parts. It was and is a difficult task.
However, to be realistic, mistakes are made by the CWGC.
In 2016, my brother and I discovered where Lancaster Bomber
EM- L crashed on the 18 October 1943. This was due to a great German Hero from Hannover, Herr Dirk Hartman.
We were given proof of the crash site by a Police Report, Witness Statement and Fragments of the Lancaster. Robert Hardman of the Daily Mail covered the whole story in such a caring and wonderful manner.
Dirk Hartman also discovered an official Report stating that on the 18 October 1943, Two Coffins were taken to the site near the road from Ronnenberg, the body parts of 6 charred airmen were taken and burried with 6 other Coffins in a communal grave at Ronnenberg Cemetery.
Another official Report listed the contents of each of the 8 Coffins burried at Ronnenberg.
In 1946 all 8 Coffins were dug up and taken to the new Hannover War Cemetery.
We have photographic evidence of grave Headstones with 2 names per gravestone at Hannover War cemetery - making 14 body parts remains. These have been identified by name.
20 bodies / parts were taken to Hannover War Cemetery. There are 6 bodies / parts left unaccounted for. EM- L bodies / parts burried at Ronnenberg in Coffins 7 and 8 amounted to 6. One Rear Air Gunner had bailed out and was a prisoner until repatriation in 1944 by the Germans.
Near to the headstones which are named at Ronnenberg Cemetery are some Headstones which are unmarked.
The British Legion in Hannover have stated that there are no records available to say what happened to Coffins 7-8.
We believe that the unmarked Headstones near the named Headstones from Ronnenberg contain the bodies / parts of 6 members of the crew of EM-L.
We appreciate the difficulties for the CWGC after WW2. We understand how documents could get lost.
However, we believe that we have all the circumstantial and positive evidence in Report form, to get the CWGC to place the names of the 6 crew members of EM- L on the Headstones identified.
Understandable mistakes can be made. We think that the burden of proof is on our side.
Time for Change
I do not think that there are many people In Britain Today who approve of the way the £ Multi - Billions Foreign Aid Budget is spent. Neither do I.
Here are some facts -
16% of the Overseas Budget is spent on Crisis Relief monitored by the Charities and the UN
The UK spent £12.1 Billions. It met its target of 0.7% of GDP.
37% goes to the UN
63% goes via Bi-Lateral Aid
The USA spend 2% of GDP
Most of the UK Aid goes to -
All countries suspect for corruption and lack of Accountability.

Some of the problems with the Policy of Allocation is that sometimes 5% is charged by the Foreign Government for handling the allocation of monies. Too often, some monies are creamed off by the Foreign Government, their Civil Servants or by Distribution Companies. There have also been examples of goods being resold privately. The whole system is a shambles.
The British Government and the Civil Service must harbour a lot of the blame. Too often, they leave it to the Foreign Governments to disperse the monies as they feel fit.
Many times, the money allocation is not vetted and audited. There is poor Management control over the funds.
The pipeline of funds can sometimes be lost in a mire of confusion, lack of Progress Control and Management of Outcomes.
Yes, what a shambles ! No Project Management in place.
What can be done about this shambles ?
Many people in Britain think the answer is to cut the Budget by £Billions and pay the money into the NHS Budget. I agree with the sentiments but this could be a hit or miss way of reducing the Foreign Aid Budget.
I propose another route........
Allocate monies but via The Charity Organisations.
I think we know that Charities are honest and they will allocate on the ground to those causes that need the aid.
The Charities will ensure that the Aid reaches people who need Clean Water, Food, Crops, Education, Habitats, Clothing and so n.
Accountability from the Charities will be more accurate than from foreign Governments. No back handlers, no Special Bonuses or Commissions, no cooking the Books !
I trust the Charities such as Oxfam, Save the Children, the Churches and so on.
Of course there will be an outcry from the Foreign Governments and the corruption that goes with some of them.
However, the British Government cannot go on forever with the present Policy.
I for one has lost faith in our Civil Servants who allocate the Foreign Aid Budget. I believe that we are wasting £Billions of tax payers money with the present system.
So, what are we frightened of ? Start introducing the new Policy in fases. Cut out the Middlemen. Deal direct with the people in need-via the Charities.
However, make sure that he Charities are audited as well.
Time for Change
I do not think that there are many people In Britain Today who approve of the way the £ Multi - Billions Foreign Aid Budget is spent. Neither do I.
Here are some facts -
16% of the Overseas Budget is spent on Crisis Relief monitored by the Charities and the UN
The UK spent £12.1 Billions. It met its target of 0.7% of GDP.
37% goes to the UN
63% goes via Bi-Lateral Aid
The USA spend 2% of GDP
Most of the UK Aid goes to -
All countries suspect for corruption and lack of Accountability.

Some of the problems with the Policy of Allocation is that sometimes 5% is charged by the Foreign Government for handling the allocation of monies. Too often, some monies are creamed off by the Foreign Government, their Civil Servants or by Distribution Companies. There have also been examples of goods being resold privately. The whole system is a shambles.
The British Government and the Civil Service must harbour a lot of the blame. Too often, they leave it to the Foreign Governments to disperse the monies as they feel fit.
Many times, the money allocation is not vetted and audited. There is poor Management control over the funds.
The pipeline of funds can sometimes be lost in a mire of confusion, lack of Progress Control and Management of Outcomes.
Yes, what a shambles ! No Project Management in place.
What can be done about this shambles ?
Many people in Britain think the answer is to cut the Budget by £Billions and pay the money into the NHS Budget. I agree with the sentiments but this could be a hit or miss way of reducing the Foreign Aid Budget.
I propose another route........
Allocate monies but via The Charity Organisations.
I think we know that Charities are honest and they will allocate on the ground to those causes that need the aid.
The Charities will ensure that the Aid reaches people who need Clean Water, Food, Crops, Education, Habitats, Clothing and so n.
Accountability from the Charities will be more accurate than from foreign Governments. No back handlers, no Special Bonuses or Commissions, no cooking the Books !
I trust the Charities such as Oxfam, Save the Children, the Churches and so on.
Of course there will be an outcry from the Foreign Governments and the corruption that goes with some of them.
However, the British Government cannot go on forever with the present Policy.
I for one has lost faith in our Civil Servants who allocate the Foreign Aid Budget. I believe that we are wasting £Billions of tax payers money with the present system.
So, what are we frightened of ? Start introducing the new Policy in fases. Cut out the Middlemen. Deal direct with the people in need-via the Charities.
However, make sure that he Charities are audited as well.
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