Time for Change
I do not think that there are many people In Britain Today who approve of the way the £ Multi - Billions Foreign Aid Budget is spent. Neither do I.
Here are some facts -
16% of the Overseas Budget is spent on Crisis Relief monitored by the Charities and the UN
The UK spent £12.1 Billions. It met its target of 0.7% of GDP.
37% goes to the UN
63% goes via Bi-Lateral Aid
The USA spend 2% of GDP
Most of the UK Aid goes to -
All countries suspect for corruption and lack of Accountability.

Some of the problems with the Policy of Allocation is that sometimes 5% is charged by the Foreign Government for handling the allocation of monies. Too often, some monies are creamed off by the Foreign Government, their Civil Servants or by Distribution Companies. There have also been examples of goods being resold privately. The whole system is a shambles.
The British Government and the Civil Service must harbour a lot of the blame. Too often, they leave it to the Foreign Governments to disperse the monies as they feel fit.
Many times, the money allocation is not vetted and audited. There is poor Management control over the funds.
The pipeline of funds can sometimes be lost in a mire of confusion, lack of Progress Control and Management of Outcomes.
Yes, what a shambles ! No Project Management in place.
What can be done about this shambles ?
Many people in Britain think the answer is to cut the Budget by £Billions and pay the money into the NHS Budget. I agree with the sentiments but this could be a hit or miss way of reducing the Foreign Aid Budget.
I propose another route........
Allocate monies but via The Charity Organisations.
I think we know that Charities are honest and they will allocate on the ground to those causes that need the aid.
The Charities will ensure that the Aid reaches people who need Clean Water, Food, Crops, Education, Habitats, Clothing and so n.
Accountability from the Charities will be more accurate than from foreign Governments. No back handlers, no Special Bonuses or Commissions, no cooking the Books !
I trust the Charities such as Oxfam, Save the Children, the Churches and so on.
Of course there will be an outcry from the Foreign Governments and the corruption that goes with some of them.
However, the British Government cannot go on forever with the present Policy.
I for one has lost faith in our Civil Servants who allocate the Foreign Aid Budget. I believe that we are wasting £Billions of tax payers money with the present system.
So, what are we frightened of ? Start introducing the new Policy in fases. Cut out the Middlemen. Deal direct with the people in need-via the Charities.
However, make sure that he Charities are audited as well.
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