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Monday 9 September 2013


The proposed High Speed Rail link between London and Birmingham in phase 1 at an estimated cost of over £50,000,000,000 - yes - 50 Billion Pounds and rising is the biggest White Elephant since the Labour Government Ground Nuts Scheme in Nigeria many years ago. The HS2 scheme is a complete waste of Public Money. Remember how the London Olympic Games was budgeted at £2.5 Billions and ended up £9 Billions ?  Do you remember how everyone in the Establishment proudly boasted - We kept the Games within budget ! How can we trust the Civil Service with their phony Budgets ? How many large scale budgets have they got wrong ? Many I fear.  Have they allowed for inflation?  Has the Treasury made a NPV - Net Present Value Financial Analysis ? Have they taken into consideration advances in Travel Technology and its impact on costings ? Have they balanced large city economic and employment needs versus smaller towns economic need in the UK ?  Has the Government invited a leading Business School - such as Henley Business School - to make an independent evaluation of the cost benefits of HS2 and alternative priority options for an investment of some £50 Billions in the UK economy ?

To save about 20 minutes on the journey between Birmingham and London will make no difference to the business  traveller because any saving on the railway will be lost once they reach London. The London traffic is getting worse rather than better in spite of the Congestion Charge. In any case most business travellers like to work, read  or sleep on the train. The time gained argument is very weak indeed.
As a result, the argument that HS2 will increase business between London and Birmingham is false. It will make no difference at all.

The supporters will argue that there is a Capacity Problem developing now and in the future decades.
This may be true but capacity can be increased in many ways.

  • Technological advances in Communications will mean that it will be not be needed to make long distance journeys for the business traveller.Video communications are already commonplace and the slimline TV technology and SpaceSat Communications will accelerate non travel communications in the future. Capacity can also be increased by -
  • Introducing Double Decker carriages like in the USA, Japan, Holland and other countries.
  • Adding extra carriages to existing trains
  • Revising timetables to increase the frequency of travel between Birmingham and London.
  • Considering the cost alternative of Monorail Links over existing rail tracks
  • Expand luxury fast Executive coach travel between the two cities 
  • Increasing frequency of rail travel on alternative routes via High Wycombe to Birmingham.
There is also a Regional Expansion consideration. It may be better to invest more in the infrastructure of smaller cities and towns to promote employment and prosperity. The new towns such as Milton Keynes have proven that investment in the outer regions can bring sound economic benefits. These suburban towns have already good communications links with London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds ,Glasgow for example. Why not develop these rail and road links ? Why not improve local communications ? This could bring more economic benefits than a faster rail link between London and Birmingham. Why not have a mini-reversal of the Beecham Plan ? Local conurbations need better rail and road travel ! Surburban links to London need more investment - note the overcrowding on existing routes.

Consequently, the business case and capacity arguments fail in my view.There are more pressing options -  £50 Billion could build and equip many new hospitals and increase the capacity of the NHS - a more key issue and of more benefit to Society as a whole. School repairs and additional school places capacity is another more deserving priority. Also - what about a £50 Billions spend for Care for the Elderly? 
Surely, investment in these areas would bring long lasting economic and social benefits to the United Kingdom.
Readers will have noted that I have not used the arguments that HS2 will do damage to the Environment, Property and Peoples lives. However - if there is need of any further proof that HS2 is a White Elephant .
I support the arguments that HS2 will have a devastating impact on the people who live along the proposed route. It will also have a negative impact on the environment.

Finally, everyone will agree that one of the key drivers of Growth in the Economy is the Speedy economical movement of goods and freight. The UK needs investment in the infrastructure to improve freight movement for the Domestic Market and the International Markets. The HS2 Project does nothing to improve Fright movement cost effectiveness.

I am amazed that so many Civil Servants and Politicians can be so stupid to support this HS2 folly.
I am an ordinary citizen. I do not live along the HS2 route. I just feel strongly that we ordinary citizens must make our voices known - and help to stop the madness of HS2 before it is too late.


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