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Tuesday, 19 December 2017




Increase by 50% in 2018 the financial incentives for young people aged 18-25 years of age.


1- University Fees Payback Scheme ( UFPS ). Reduce future fees to £3,000 per annum with NO interest added.

2- Repay Students of the past 10 years by adding the amount of the loan to TAX CODING of the future.

3- If students have already repaid or owe a loan, the total amount of the original loan will be added to Future Tax Codes.
University sector funding must be made up by the Government.

4-  Broaden Social Media. Refer to the Labour example in the last election.

This will be a journal keeping the Young informed BUT  not a Labour Knocking Journal but. WHAT WE ARE DOING AND WILL DO FOR YOU. GO positive with plans that will improve the lives of the young.

6- TAX RELIEF for Parents who provide financial help for Students.
Again, use Tax Codes and UFPS scheme to provide help for Parents and Grandparents.
Example - I paid more than £60,000 for two of my children to go to University. I had to pay 40% tax in my Business Career to earn this money. This is grossly unfair. I should have been able to allocate this against my Tax Code in future years. A much better scheme. 

Eliminate VAT for builders to lower the cost of social housing.
Consider a Government funded new Building Consortium.
Corporate and SMEs tax return relief on Profits for participate.
Invest in new low cost of construction methods of house building.

Start 2018 with bold new plans to help the Young.
No trickle approach. A big realistic new plan which will win the Conservatives the  next election.

DO NOT let Brexit overshadow announcing new plans for the Young.
People want to know, regardless of Brexit, what is my future prospects. Labour will announce the Goodees and that is what The Young and everyone else wants to know.


Wednesday, 29 November 2017


The number of articles published by EUREKYS has now reached 160

The first articles appeared in 2010

All articles are related to Political, Social and Cultural Affairs IN BRITAIN TODAY.

The Ethos of EUREKYS has been to offer Positive Solutions to Problems facing the UK in the Second Decade of the 21st Century.



I have written many articles in the past about How to settle the so called " Divorce Bill " for the UK to pay the EU when it leaves the EU.
It seems to me that all we hear about is the EU charting what the UK had committed to, including years and years of Pension contributions.
But, what about What the EU owes us ?
This brings in the question....Who owns the EU assets and liabilities ?

In previous articles, I have questioned...Is it the EU Commission ?
Is it the Council of Ministers ?  Is it the EU Parliament ?
No, it is owned pro rata by the 28 Member Nations.  The ownership should be proportionate to the number of MEP each nation has.
This seems fair and democratic to me.

If I am right, the EU needs to present to the UK, monies due after the Divorce. In any Divorce, net assets are allocated to each partner according to need.

So, let me emphasise, the EU needs to present a list of net assets and to identify the share the UK should receive as payback.
These will include, audited accounts for......

1-Monies in the Banks


3-Present value of properties which the UK has paid towards

4-Loans to fellow EU Nations

5-Refund on UK MEP pension funds

6-Rebates due to UK up to leaving date in 2019 or later if a 2 year transition period is agreed. These  payments will include Agriculture rebates, Education rebates and other contributions which the EU had agreed to pay in previous treaties.

These repayments to the UK should be deducted from the Divorce Bill !

So far, it seems like the UK are all give and the EU are all take.

It is time to start asking the EU Negotiators what their share of the Divorce Bill will be ? I guess their answer will be... Nothing.

Time will tell.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017



I do not wish to debate the pros and cons of the revelations from The Paradise Papers.
What I want to do is to suggest sone change in Government Policy which might help reduce
the scale of Tax Avoidance by the Rich and Global Companies.

1 - Any British citizen with a British Passport should pay Tax on earnings wherever it is deposited in the World.

2 - All income earned in the U.K. from earnings anywhere in the World, including Investment income or profits or Companies owned or part earned, should pay UK income tax.

3 - Profits earned by Companies in the UK should be pay UK corporations tax.

4 - Excessive Management charges to overseas companies to reduce e the tax burden should be illegal.

5 - Offshore tax heavens in British territories throughout the World such as Isle of Man, Jersey, Bermuda and others should be outlawed.

6 - A Wealth Tax of 10% of Capital Assets over £10 Million should be imposed by the Government.

7 - Assets owned by British citizens should pay the 10% Wealth Tax wherever these assets are in the World.

8 - It is outlawed for British citizens to establish companies to feed their earnings and assets into thereby reducing their personal tax burden. This includes Sole Traders.

You may not agree with all my recommendations but surely, they deserve a free and open debate in Parliament, The Media  and the Public in general.
Otherwise, the rich and Companies will continue to get away with avoiding tax, possibly legally under present legislation for many years to come.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017



This year 2017, The National Trust held their AGM at The Steam Room, Swindon. I watched the Webcast of proceedings. The organisation by Jo Cooke, Deputy Secretary, was simply excellent. The Chairman Tim Parker did a great job controlling the AGM in his first year as Chairman. I particularly liked the very fair way he gave Members the chance to ask questions on both sides of the divide. The Directors and Specialist Staff also played their part in replying to questions from the floor.
The Financial results for the year were superb. A great performance by the retiring Director General Dame Helen Ghosh, who is going to be Master of Balliol College Oxford, and her staff.  He Legacy will be a very hard act to follow.Congratulations to everyone at the National Trust, especially the 60,000 Volunteers.

I have been a Member of the National Trust for over 50 years. I love the National Trust, it's diverse Membership and the National Trust Ethos of Conservation. I wanted to play my part to help The Council but it was not meant to be.

Before the AGM, The National Trust had invited its 5 Millions Members to Vote for up to 6 Candidates for Council - the National Trust asks Members of the Council to serve for 3 years -  out of a list of 20 well qualified, impressive, superb Profiles and dedicated Candidates for Council. It was to be a fair and open election BUT the problem was - it was anything but fair and open. 14 of the Candidates,  of which I was one, did not have much of a fair chance. The Election was fixed and biased by the National Trust hierarchy, namely The Nominations Committee.

Why is this ? Is this just sour grapes because I did not get elected ?
Well, you decide. Here are the facts.....

Only some 500 Plus Members of the National Trust out of 5 Million Members bothered to turn up to the AGM in Swindon. A relatively small % of the total Membership. The National Trust must have expected such a low turnout when they booked the Steam room. On the Webcast the room looked so full.  However, every Member had rightly been given the opportunity to vote except many could not be bothered to vote and apathy prevailed.

Deputy Secretary Jo Cooke said - " It is a requirement of The National Trust Constitution that the Nominations Committee makes Recommendations."

Member Raymond Williams says - " Change the Constitution. "

The Nominations Committee selected its favourite 6 Candidates and lists their names in the AGM Booklet which includes the Voting forms and online voting guidelines. In the
 Voting Booklet, the Nominations Committee them recommends that Members vote for their 6 chosen Candidates. Let us be clear what the Nominations Committee does or I should say what it does not do. It does not interview all the Candidates. It does not talk to any of the other 14 Candidates. We do not know what their Terms of Reference were. Who set any Terms ? Were the Trustees involved ?
 What role if any did the Chairman have in the selection process of the 6 Candidates and the composition of the Nominations Committee ?

Deputy Secretary Jo Cooke said - I do not know how the Chairman voted because the vote was in secret." " The Chairman did not have any direct involvement in the selection process of the composition of The Nominations Committee. "

Raymond Williams says - " The Members should have a say. " " The Chairman should have a say since he should know the mood of the Members. "

 Members and Candidates are left in the dark.
What criteria did the Nominations Committee use to select their favourite 6 ?  I wonder ! We will never know.

The other 14 Candidates together with the Profiles of all 20 Candidates were on display in the AGM booklet and online together with their replies to Members questions. How many Members bothered to read them ?

As a result, the Nominations Committee tries to bias the result of the election by promoting their favourite 6 Candidates. How they reached their selection nobody knows ! It is all done in secret.
I think that they have succeeded in introducing bias into the Election  and skewed the Election results.

5 of the 6 Candidates recommended by the Nominations Committee were elected to Council this year 2017.  They received over 15,000 votes each. One other Candidate got 15,000 votes whilst the other 13 Candidates received from 5,000 - 13,000 votes each. Such was the dramatic impact of the intervention by the Nominations Committee. The pre - chosen 6 received collectively 50% of the total vote of 231,249. 
My case rests !

Only 4.6% of the Total Membership of 5,000,000 bothered to vote in the Election.  
2.3% of the Total membership voted for the chosen 6. 

Deputy Secretary Jo Cooke said - " The numbers voting this year were double those of last year." 

Member Raymond Williams said - " The number of Members voting was still very small. "

The challenge to the National Trust for the future is  - How to attract more Members to Vote in the Election and for or against the Motions ?  It is quite pathetic that so few Members voted.
However, it is the same story in Local Government Elections and to a certain extent in the General Elections.
Apathy is King.

Is the election fair ? NO.   Here is my view ....

The Chairman will obviously use his Proxy votes to build  up votes for the 6 favoured Candidates. He is not likely to vote against his own Staff's recommendations.

Deputy Secretary Jo Cooke said - " There were no Proxy Votes. "

Member Raymond Williams says - " I may be wrong and I am sorry. However, this is a terrible blow to National Trust Democracy.

It would be better if there was a Box on the Ballot Package marked - Proxy. This might broaden the numbers voting and produce a fairer result. But, note my recommendation on how the Proxies should be distributed." " Members would not have wanted to travel long distances to the AGM and spend money on overnight stays. "
" I suggest that consideration should be given to holding the AGM elsewhere, say The Midlands."

The Nominations Committee will attract votes from Members who cannot be bothered to read the Profiles of all 20 Candidates and are likely to vote as per the recommendations of the Nominations Committee.

So, what chance does the other 14 Candidates have ? Not much !

This year there was a big influence on the voting results due to the fact that there were 2 very controversial Motions - For and Against a ban on Trail Hunting on NationalTrust land and For and Against the Plan for the A303 Road under a £1.4 Billion Tunnel past Stonehenge.

This helped to polarise the Votes. Candidates got Votes from some of the 100,000 Members of the Countryside Alliance if they had clearly stated that they agreed with the Countryside Alliance and Candidates got Votes if they disagreed with the A303 Motion. The National Trust urged Members to Vote against each  Motion. This helped to distort the vote. I must admit I took a view that if the activity is legal it is OK. I also voted For the Motion to  stop the A303 Tunnel Plan. As a result, I probably lost a few thousand vital votes.
" C'est la Vie."

I also thought that Question 4 - Ask the Candidates, was a bit ambiguous. It referred  to Stonehenge
and mixed two Motions - Trail Hunting and the A303 Tunnel in the same question 4. There should have been a total of 7 questions and not only  6 Questions.

I also thought that 2 highly emotional Motions should not have been included in the list of questions in the Ask The Candidates list. Some 60, 000 plus Members voted in the 2 Motions and each side urged their Membership to vote for the Candidates who supported their point of view. This skewed the results for each Candidate.

Here is another factor for Members to consider. In the voting for the 2 Motions, there were
" Discretionary Votes." These were votes assigned by Members to the Chairman Tim Parker,
In the Motion against Trail Hunting on National Trust Land, there were 3,460  Discretionary Votes Against the Motion and 2,057 For the Motion. So, the Motion was lost.
Similarly, in the Motion Against the tunnel under the A303, there were 6,710 Discretionary Votes  Against the Motion. Once again, the Discretionary Votes decided the result of the Motion.
Who decided how to allocate the Discretionary Votes ?

The very poor number of the 5 Million Members who voted, also diminishes the validity of the Election.

The National Trust has to change the voting rules in the future according to my view as follows...

1 - Abolish the Nominations Committee. Change the Constitution to do this.

2 - Introduce Proxy Votes next year. This is a leap from normal practice at AGMs but I think in the case of the National Trust, it is badly needed. What is wrong with this if anything ?

3 - Members should have Proxy Votes but  they are allocated in proportion to the Candidates according to their % of the registered National votes distribution. A proportional representation approach. If Candidate X gets 30% of the submitted votes online or on paper, he or she should get 30% of the Proxy vote.
Is this a denial of Democracy ? No. It broadens the Vote abd should produce a better fairer result.

4 - My challenge to the National Trust is......Print my article on your Website to give Members a chance to express their views.
I do not want to submit a Motion for next year's AGM because it take up precious time which could be used to debate more vital subjects. However, my Article needs debate and not pushed into oblivion.

Deputy Secretary Jo Cooke said- " Here is the link to the National Trust AGM website. You can post this on your website EUREKYS. "

Member Raymond Williams said - " I am most grateful to Jo Cooke for her response to my Article. I have made changes as a result of her sensible comments. I appreciate the fact that this subject of The role of the Nominations Committee has been strongly debated in the past. In fact, in recent years a Motion was passed by Members to prevent the Nominations Committee from placing asterisk's  alongside their favoured Candidates names.
 I propose that the National Trust goes one step further and abolishes the Nominations Committee."

5 - This year on the Voting Forms, the National Trust asked Members if they thought that the Recommendations of the Nominations Committee were " helpful ? "
We must be careful interpreting the results. They should have asked...." Do you think that the intervention by the Nominations Committee distorts the Vote and is unfair to all the Candidates ? "

I think that then the National Trust might have fairer election results and every Candidate will have a fair chance of being elected.
 My views are shared with many people including The Christian Voice Journal who states in their recent headline article that the Council Election was fixed.
The Christian Voice - noted for it's Fair Play says:

" Whether anyone is elected does NOT depend one scrap on our votes. That is because the Chairman  of The National Trust  Tim Parker casts all the Poxy votes. It will come as no surprise at all if Mr Parker sends all the Proxies down the wire to Vote for his favoured six establishment approved figures. "

Member Raymond Williams says - " The Christian Voice is right about the Council Election was fixed - by the Nominations Committee recommendations but they are wrong about Proxy Votes. "

WHY NOT change the Voting Procedure ?

If the results of The Election are going to be pre-determined by The Nominations Committee -
They know best !


The National Trust is just building up the hopes of decent Candidates, wasting National Trust money, and cynically ensuring in effect, that Members will Vote according to the wishes of the Nominations Committee. 

No, The Nominations Committee do not know best !

Raymond Williams
National Trust Member

Making Lives Better

Thursday, 12 October 2017


You must be as frustrated as me about the EU negotiations.
The Divorce Bill seems the main sticking point.

Please tell David Davies to move this along.... Here are some Urgent Questions for him to ask the EU. The 3 Stumbling Barriers to the Negotiations which must be resolved NOW.
The UK and the EU need answers to speed up further discussions.


What Share of EU Assets does the UK own ?

What sum of money does the UK have to pay legally up to leaving date 2019 ?

What share of EU Loans to Member States does the UK own ?

What does the EU expect the UK to pay and what is the Justification ?

The UK cannot pay forever into the EU Pensions .

What is the gap between what the UK will pay and what the EU want the UK to pay. ?

Surely, David Davies can get answers to these questions.

Concentrate on the Divorce Bill otherwise we are talking to a brick wall and the Conservatives will get the blame.


My Solutions....... 

A - Allow free trade between Eire and Northern Ireland as at present

B - Tighten up Passport Control Checks for visitors from Northern Ireland to the UK.

C - Only short term entry for EU  citizens who enter the UK via Northern Ireland.

D - Free Trade from Northern Ireland and Eire IF the EU reach an early Free Trade deal with the UK. 


A - No change for British Citizens living in the EU.

B - No change for EU citizens living in the UK.

C - Drop the plan that they must reapply for  Permit to Remain in the UK or EU. Not necessary.

I am only an ordinary UK citizens.  Negotiator Rt.Hon.David Davies MP has an army of civil servants.  Revise the Priorities in the talks. Discuss the Divorce Bill NOW as the EU want. Otherwise, the UK will spend many more months in deadlock.  

The UK have a very strong position when it comes to trade talks, later on in the Negotiations.


Tuesday, 10 October 2017



Be grateful that you are not famous. Be thankful that you are not a Celebrity ! You may not have their money but you can be very happy with your normal life.

You can go about work and love your Family without being hounded by The Media.

You will not have to mix with Celebrities who take drugs. Some of them die as a result of drug addiction.

Most of the Celebrities are so vain. You can be yourself. You don't have to satisfy the wishes of your Fans.

Some famous Celebrities are only good at Singing or Acting. That is it. You probably have many other talents. Know yourself as the Greeks said years ago.

Encourage your Children and Grandchildren to live their lives to the full. Too many young people say..." I want to be a famous singer. It will change my life. " so do thousands of other young people think that. Look at the thousands of people who turn up for X Factor auditions. It semis to be TV viewing to see the hopes of most them crushed. They see Singing as an easy way our. They think it will bring happiness.
It may not. There are one or two Winners. The rest sink into oblivion.. shattered, disappointed, depressed. Wha a pity !

Consider how many Celebrities get divorced.
Consider how many Celebrities die young
Consider how many Celebrities have Breakdowns because they crack from the pressures of Being a Star.
 Remember the old saying.... " Money does not buy Happiness. "
It is true today.

Remember that " You cannot buy Health. " Many so called Celebrities lose their health at an early age because of the stress of touring, concerts, deadlines and some disappointments. Heroin, Cocaine and Crack Cocaine abuse In Britain Today costs the NHS £Billions. I am not saying that Celebrities are responsible for all these abuses. However, the record is full of Celebrity deaths from Drugs  - the stupid people. Chasing Celebrity status will mix you with all these dangers. You may survive - I hope so - but you will be in danger mixing with the Celebrity clique. Think strongly about this.

You can be very happy from being an ordinary Citizen. Life has  more to offer than being famous. Volunteers get great satisfaction from the unpaid work they do. Low paid Nurses in The NHS want to serve humanity. Not for Profit organisation are full of decent people who are motivated by the will to serve - they are the Givers not the Takers of this World - the Salt of the World. I have nothing but respect for them.

I am glad that I am not a Celebrity. I am what I am and I have no regrets.

I suggest that you tell your children and Grandchildren about this article. It may be a big turning point in their young. lives. Their future may be bright without being a Celebrity.

Changing lives for the Better




By Writing Articles, 162 so far,  about Politics, Cultural and Social Affairs 
IN BRITAIN TODAY and by presenting  - 
Practical Solutions to many Problems for the People and Government of Britain.

Monday, 9 October 2017



If there was one emotive subject In Britain Today, it is the one about Hunting.
However, there is so much misunderstanding about the situation.
People on both sides and in Parliament are passionate about the Pros and Cons about Hunting.
 I am a Candidate for The National Trust Council Elections - Voting ends online this Friday 13 October 2017.

A Motion has been submitted for the AGM on 21 October, to ban Trail Hunting on National Trust Land. It is opposed by The Trustees of The National Trust. I would not like to predict the outcome.

My views can be summarised as follows:

We must obey the Law.
Currently Blood Sport Hunting is illegal.
The issue is therefore about Trail Hunting. This is when a sensory Trail is laid in the countryside. Hunters and packs of dogs follow the trail. There are no blood Hunting involved.
Providing there is no abuse, this is permitted. I am not against this in principle. So, Countryside Alliance, you have my support, if you do not break the Law, no abuse, no breach of The National Trust Licence.

On the other hand, League against Cruelty to Animals, I support your aims, I am against Blood sports of any kind.  Surely, if the National Trust Trustees and Members vote to reject your Motion,
You must accept the verdict but, remain vigilant. I will ensure that the National Trust does, if I am elected.
However, the League against Cruel Sports say that there are abuses. Also, this should not be allowed. I have no means of checking the abuses. I do not think that the Trustees would lie about abuses.

So, a very emotive subject which can be resolved by vigilance from The League and respect to the Licences and no abuse.

Finally, the result of the Motion should be respected. If not, we will have bad feeling in the National Trust and chaos.

Is this not a fair compromise ? I hope so.

Sunday, 8 October 2017


If you are a member of The National Trust, you are invited to.....


Candidate for Council

He will serve  Members and Stakeholders well over the next 3 years if elected.


Friday, 6 October 2017

PM Theresa May MP is Innocent.

Prime Minister Theresa May MP apologised to The Conservative Party Conference 2017 because she lost seats in the General Election.

She did not have to apologise. SHE IS iNNOCENT.

The Conservative Party won the Election but lost their majority because The Labour Party and their Leader Jeremy Corbyn misled the Electorate big time - and the Students and other supporters believed Labour.

Why was this ? Because ordinary people in Britain are fed up with Austerity and they liked the Labour Promises which were built on SAND !

Students and future students liked the idea of no University charges. Great - lets vote for Labour.
They could not care less that the Conservatives had to balance the books and reduce the high interest on the National Debt.
So, The thousands of Students voted Labour.
The sequel after the Election - Labour denied saying they would abolish University Fees.

Theresa May told the truth - Labour lied.
OK what next ? People liked the promise of more social housing fro Labour.
More votes for Labour.
However, no mention from Labour....How ?

Theresa May told the truth about what could actually be afforded. But, many people did not want to listen.

Labour then promised Nationalisation will return. The people believed him.
The Conservatives remembered the turmoil last time Railways and the Utilities were State run. Chaos.
But, many people did not want to know about the past. Many were too young.

And so it goes on. Labour offering goodies. Conservatives being realistic. But, people did not want to know.


From now on, start offering Goodies. Here are my suggestions.......









9 -INCREASE TAX ALLOWANCES TO £15,000 in 2019.





Wednesday, 4 October 2017


EUREKYS has reached a new landmark of 150 Articles.


The Voice of one Ordinary British Citizen who loves, values and supports the United States of America.

It was far back in 1961 that as a very young man I visited the USA for the first time on a Scholarship to study Marketing. I landed in New York. Since then, on business, I have visited the USA on many occasions including a period of study at your wonderful Harvard Business School. I love the people and the Nation of America.
Like most people in Britain, I am saddened by the record of gun crimes and mass shootings over the last decade in particular. In fact, I am horrified. I want to help solve the impasse between your President, Congress and the National Rifle Association of America concerning Gun Laws. The present situation cannot continue !
Here are my views for further discussion.

( Approved by the President, Congress and Supported by
The National Rifle Association ).

Some years ago, I wrote an article about Gun Law Policy in the USA.
I do not think that anyone took any notice of my suggestions.
So, the killings,  massacres have gone on and on since I wrote my article. What a tragic pity ! So, here is my update after the recent Las Vegas record breaking massacre.

The background is bleak and any attempt at change looks impossible.
The National Rifle Association of America strongly support the ability of American Citizens to buy arms and ammunition and to bear guns of all types and magnitude of destructive capability.
They claim - rightly - that the Constitution of American gives every citizen this right and this has to be strongly upheld by the Government.
President Trump gets a lot of support from the NRA. Will he support a radical review of the Gun Laws in the USA ? This has to be seen. The USA Congress has had many wake up calls in the past decade. Will they ever react in a positive manner to help reduce mass killings and individual murders before it is too late?

The Arms Businesses in the USA like this stance of the NRA because they make lots of profit.
The other problem is the Internet. Anyone can buy anything on the Global Internet - Machine guns, High Velocity Rifles, Hand grenades, Rockets, Bomb Making materials and so on.
No wonder there is so much violence in the USA.

Is there any solution to the dangers of new killings ?
I say YES.  Here it is with my logic.......

The Founding Fathers never meant for the Amendment to the Constitution for citizens to buy weapons of mass destruction because they meant Rifles for citizens to protect against enemies - not to kill their fellow citizens with Automatic Weapons  because they had no 21st Century weaponry in those days. However, the NRA would  never accept this argument. In my view, the NRA misinterpret the Amendment giving citizens " The right to bear arms." There is a need for a more up to date definition - to carry what type and how many weapons ?

New Gun Law 2018.

1- The USA Gun Law must continue to allow citizens to bear arms under The American Constitution but defined in 2018 as ...." One Handgun and 6 bullets per Citizen " providing the citizen is of sound mind confirmed by a Registered State Doctor and is  not a Criminal.

2- Registered Members of the NRA Rifle Clubs and Hunting Clubs can own One Hunting Rifle and One Handgun with 6 Bullets - but not High Velocity Rifles or Rocket propelled Rifles - and Matching Bullets, once again subject to a " Certificate of Sound Mind " and not being a Criminal. Each Club must keep up to date A Register of who owns what and details must also be transferred to the new National Register of Arms Ownership.

3- Automatic weapons of any kind will be banned for sale in the USA.

4- Shops currently selling Automatic weaponry must cease selling these items. The State will confiscate their stocks and recompense the Owners.

5- Manufacturing Companies of Automatic Weaponry and matching bullets must cease to supply the USA Domestic Market and they must have an approved export licence or import licence.

6- The purchase of any weapons including hand guns and bullets is made illegal from the Internet. Internet providers will have to withdraw advertisements on the internet for all weaponry. I realise that this is a difficult task currently but a solution to the problem must be found. Social Media and sites such as eBay must be brought within the Law. Second hand sales of prohibited weaponry is also to be deemed Unlawful.

7- The Sale and Purchase of Automatic Weapons and matching Bullets of any kind must be banned in the USA with heavy penalties for breaking this Law.

8- Private or Business Import of Automatic Weapons will be banned except for approved military usage by a Government Agency.

9- Soldiers leaving the Armed  Forces must surrender all weapons except One Handgun and 6 bullets.....once again subject to a Certificate of Sound Mind by a State Doctor.

10- Robberies of Handguns and Bullets from Shops and Warehouses will carry a maximum jail sentence of 30 years.

11- An Amnesty of 1 Year for Citizens to surrender Automatic Weapons will be granted. The State will reimburse the owners.

Reasonable people will say......

A- The NRA have their rights to bear arms preserved under the 18th Century Constitution but updated for the scenarios in the 21st Century.

B- The situation in the 21st Century with arms developments is fully recognised.

C- People with mental disturbances will not be able to purchase arms.

D- Criminals will not be able to purchase guns of mass destruction .

E- The USA Citizen can protect against break ins and attacks of all kinds.

F- Arms manufactures and retailers will be reviewed on a Regular basis by a Special Arms Police Force - The SAPF.

G- A National Arms Purchase Register - The NAPR will monitor the purchase of all Handguns and Bullets. If a name appears who has multiple gun purchases, the owner will be prosecuted and the Supplier of the guns.

H- A Citizen who purchases One Handgun and Six Bullets must present a Purchase Approved Certificate. The Approved Retailer must have his Licence Number easily visible on the Handgun or Hunting Gun for the purposes of traceability.


J- The Police Forces will continue to bear arms suitable to maintain Law and Order.

K- The National Guard will continue to be armed.

L- Any Member of the Police Forces or National Guard who leaves service must give up all weaponry unless allowed under the terms of the New Gun Law as specified above.

M- No person will be allowed into the USA with a gun or bullets of any kind except Approved Bodyguards of United Nations Members.
However, these too must be registered with a USA Authorities.

N- The United Nations must support the new USA Gun Laws 2018 in a manner to prevent any abuse. The General Assembly must pass a Resolution supporting the USA Government.

Has anyone else got better ideas to stop the slaughter, fear and sadness ?


Q1- Will the NRA accept this honourable and sensible compromise ?

Q2- Will the USA Arms Industry put lives before Profits ?

Q3- Will the President and Congress of the USA be brave enough to pass this New Gun Law in 2018 / 2019 ?

Q4- Surely, the Status Quo is totally unacceptable ?

Ray Williams

Friday, 8 September 2017



Just stop and think a moment about the famous singers who appear in the Press, Television, Radio, Social Media and the Stage spouting their views and bias on so many subjects.
These Celebrities do not deserve the adulation that they currently receive. After all, they can only sing, act or play Football.
Footballers who just kick a ball around, albeit very well, also think they are semi- Gods. They are above mixing with us mere mortals.
Transfer fees of up to £130 Millions are grotesque. Is this not crazy ? £1 Million would be too high - donate the £129 Millions to Charity. I wish !

Now compare the success of these Stars with these other people, who just get on with the job.
They include -
Scientists for their research into cures for disease.
Soldiers and Police who protect us.
NHS personnel who dedicate their lives to help us
The list is endless.
Their Celebrity status is well below that of the Celebrity Singers and Footballers. Indeed, they do not wish Celebrity status. They just want to serve humanity.

There is something wrong in our Society today. Celebrity worship seems to be replacing Christian Worship at an alarming rate.

There are thousands of singers as good if not better than the current Famous Singers. They just do not get the chance.
Programmes like X Factor just want to make money. Only one performer or maybe two succeed. You never ever hear about all the other wannabes.
The same situation exists in football. There are many footballers who are as good as the Celebrities. They to have not got the chance of the big money.

I would like to see Celebrities be a little more modest. Realise that they are lucky to be where they are.
They should not hide behind closed doors from the rest of us.
They should not avoid their Patrons, slide out the back door, drive away in cars with darkened windows or worse, spout insincere messages out to the Fans.

So, do you agree with me ? Stop putting these ordinary performers on a pedestal. Stop paying £250 for a ticket to their concerts.
Stop paying high ticket prices for Premier League matches.
Stop paying SKY and BT  excessive rentals to watch sports on TV.

We should inspire our children to develop ambitions in meaningful jobs. Success should not be just earning £ Millions, driving an expensive car, living in a Mansion. It is true - money and celebrity status does not always buy happiness. Remember all the Celebrities who die young. How many have broken marriages. How many become drug addicts. All that glitters is not always Gold.

How many times have you heard Wannabees say on X Factor....
I want to sing and change my life. What they mean is...they want fame, adulation and the money. Such selfish ambitions.
Lifestyle work and careers should mean more than petty adulation.

Try and inspire your children to aspire to more meaningful careers that raise the standards of service to the wider Community and indeed the World......There is an awful lot to do!

The decision is yours.


Monday, 4 September 2017



Let us remember a few facts.

Prime Minister David Cameron made a big effort, touring most EU States to try and get the EU to let the UK limit the numbers of immigrants which were swamping the NHS, Schools, Housing, Welfare and in many places, depressing wage levels.
EU refused to budge and Cameron returned to Britain with a handful of revisions. If the EU had said - Yes, we understand the problems facing Britain. You can set some limitations on the number and type of Immigrants. All other issues are minor. But, they remained steadfast. No variation in the key principles of The Treaty of Rome. How foolish and short sighted of the EU Leaders.

In 1975 the British people overwhelmingly voted to join the EEC NOT a Federal Europe. Conservative and Labour subsequently voted for Treaty changes that set up...The European Parliament, The Commission, The Council of Ministers, the EU Court of Justice
The British People did not and do not want the UK to be in a Federal Europe.  Remainers will argue that the EU is not a Federal State.
Yes, it is just a Federal Union. What is the difference ?

For 15 years the Accounts of the EU have not been signed off by the Auditors. This is outrageous. No Company would get away with this.

Why do countries like Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, the Baltic states like the EU ?
Because they get more money from the EU than they put in.
No wonder they love the EU.

It is not only Immigration that swayed the Referendum result.
If there was a second Referendum asking if the UK should remain in  a Federal Europe, I think there would be a large majority who would say No.
The EU is too big, bureaucratic, undemocratic and full of overpaid civil servants.

The Remainers should stop the Fear Campaign. Labour only want to get into Government. They are causing trouble in Parliament for their own benefit.

The Remainers are right to express their views which I respect. However, there are Millions in the UK and the EU who think their views are wrong.
We have to draw a line somewhere.

So, Remainers and The EU negotiators concentrate on building a strong relationship for the future for the benefit of the everyone.

Saturday, 2 September 2017


EUREKYS has reached another Milestone.

EUREKYS has published so far 145 articles on Political Social and Cultural Issues 

Many of the Articles have provided positive solutions for many of today's problems covering subjects such as -

Creating a Healthy Lifestyle for the 50 plus Generations.

Care for the Elderly

Policy to exit the EU

Strategy for the NHS


The National Trust

Foreign Policy

The Grenfell Fire

The Menu on the right will allow readers to scroll through the various Articles.

So far, many thousands have read the Articles. One of the latest Articles is an invitation to donate to the new International Bomber Command Centre at Lincoln which will open to the Public in April 2018. This is in memory of the 58,000 Bomber Command service people who died in WW2.
It is a very wonderful development worthy of your support.

Thank you Readers from all over the World for your interest.

Thursday, 31 August 2017



Before 1950 if you went to the cinema to see a Hollywood film, you would notice that in the street scenes in New York, every single man would be wearing a Hat. Thousands of them.
In gangster films, the Baddies would all be wearing... a Hat.
It was almost compulsory that a man had to wear a Hat as a sign of smartness. Does anyone remember the famous Hollywood Star James Cagney with his Hat on as he pointed a gun at his foe with the words...." You dirty Rat ! ? "
Nowadays, no one wears a Hat. In the recent Hollywood Blockbuster film, did you notice how many people wore hats ?
A Hat is out of fashion unless you go to a Wedding or Ascot Races  !
OK, when you are on holiday in a warm climate, you should wear a hat to protect yourself from sun damage. I am sure that when you get home, you will not wear a trilby hat unless that is, you go on a shooting party in the countryside.
Farewell the 20th Century Hat.

Now , for the past 200 years or more, types of Ties and Cravats have been very popular with men.
In Hollywood films the Hat may have disappeared but the Tie was still worn with pride.
The Silk Ties were very popular. Versace, Dior ties were sold at £60 or more. They were in a high demand. Presenters on TV always wore ties - and many still wear ties. But, what about the rest of us ?
I suggest that the Tie is following the same demise as the Hat.
On Newsnight you will see guests without ties. Politicians on TV do not seem to want to wear ties. I think that most men today think that it is fashionable to not wear a Tie. It has become Macho for Adults  to appear Tieless.
In Films, the Hero does not need a Tie. In Romantic plays at the Theatre, Men do not wear a Tie. It is regarded as Old Fashion and mainly for the Elderly.

Thank Goodness that most of our schools still insist that their students wear a School Tie. Perhaps Versace and Dior might catch on to this !

However, for the rest of us it is, AdiosThe Tie.
What next - No Shirts ? No Trousers ? The Half Naked Look ?


Wednesday, 30 August 2017


58,000 Members of Bomber Command in World War 2 lost their lives fighting the Nazi Regime and saving the Freedom and Way of Life that we enjoy today.

RAF Bomber Command will open in April 2018 a wonderful Memorial and Visitor Centre at Lincoln. It will be a fitting tribute to those who died serving Bomber Command mainly from airfields throughout Lincolnshire - referred to as The Bomber County.

The families of those who died have suffered a lifetime of loss. Many of those who died were aged only between 18 - 26.  These losses included my Father who was only 26 when his Lancaster Bomber
EM-L was shot down over Ronnenburg Germany on the 18 October 1943.

Already £ Millions have been donated to this wonderful cause.  £ More is needed to finish the Project and Maintain the IBCC - The International Bomber Command Centre for future generations.


The International Bomber Command Centre is a facility and memorial relating the historical impact of Bomber Command in Lincolnshire during the Second World War. Wikipedia
Address: IBCC Site, Canwick Hill, Lincoln LN4 2RF
Phone: 01778 421420
Founded: 2011
Affiliation: University of Lincoln
Leader: Anthony Worth
Type of business: Charitable organization

Nicky Barr is Director of The IBCC
Sue Taylor is her Personal Assistant - Email -



" DrJames Colthurst - Tea with Diana at Kensington Palace,  followed by drinks with MBA fellow students at Henley "

In 1989 - 1992 I was a Mature Student at The Henley Management College ( now Henley Business School ) studying for a Master of Business Administration Degree. One of my fellow students was a young man in his thirties Dr James Colthurst. We both qualified with a MBA Degree.
He was a very charismatic and friendly man who was liked by the rest of the class of 43.
It was customary for the students to meet around the bar in the College about 6pm each day and to talk about the classes and topics of the day.

One day, which I remember so well, was the day James did not attend the Lecture in the afternoon but joined us for a drink at the bar. I asked him " What have you been doing today James ?
He replied " I have had afternoon tea with Princess Diana at Kensington Palace."  I replied in disbelief " Really ? "
" How did you manage that ?"
James explained that he was a close friend of  Princess Diana.
He explained that Princess Diana confided in him and that she often telephoned him at around midnight to talk about her problems. I was impressed.
I asked James " What was Diana really like ? He said that she was a wonderful, caring but sensitive woman and she loved her two sons William and Harry very much.  James did not tell me any secrets and I did not question him any further. We had a beer or was it two ?

Little did I know that these trips to Kensington Palace was at the request of Princess Diana who wanted James to be her confidante, making tape recordings of her feelings about her marriage to Prince Charles and his close relationship with his friend Camilla.
James made a number of visits to Kensington Palace on behalf of Andrew Morton who later wrote a book about Diana and which caused a sensation.

During my studies at Henley, I helped Calor Gas whom I had known since the days in the 70s and 80s when I was the Founder and Managing Director of Camping Gaz ( GB ) Limited, with their new development in Medical Gases. I introduced James to my contacts at Calor Gas since he was highly qualified to help them.
Calor Gas were very impressed with James and he was appointed Managing Director of their new company.

In 1996, I was running my own successful Management Consultancy business. I had had glimpses of the anguish of Diana in her marriage from the Press reports about her marriage to Charles and I thought that I could help her. I wrote her a very nice letter offering her my Services if she needed a new Private Secretary. I received a nice letter from her Personnel Officer Mrs Charles Yaxley on the 19th February 1996,  thanking me for the tone of my letter but said that Princess Diana did not want to take any action at this stage but they would keep my Letter on file for any future occasion. The letter was headed..........

The Personnel Officer to TRH Prince and Princess of Wales's Household. I have kept it to this day.

My next glimpses of the turmoil of the late Princess Diana was in 1998. James Colthurst had been exposed as the person who made the tapes at the request of Diana which Andrew Morton eventually used for his book about Princess Diana. His role and photo was spread across the front pages of many National News Papers.
James came to Henley in 1998 to give a talk about how the Press had treated him. They hounded him every day. They camped out on his doorstep. He told me that " They even visited the local butcher to find out what kind of meat I bought ! "
I felt very sorry for James and his family.
I had a nice friendly chat with James after the talk. I started to formulate my own opinion on what might have been if Diana had not died so tragically in Paris,

My view is that Diana would have married Dodi - that is purely my conclusion.
Former BBC Royal Correspondent Michael Cole agrees with me. In a recent article in The Daily Express ( August 2017 ) he concluded that Diana and Dodi were truly in love and that Dodi had bought an engagement ring for Diana which he proposed to give her on the day they both died.
However, some people felt that over  time, she would have been immersed into the Dodi Muslim Family way of life and that her frustration would grow, that  the wife, in Dodi's religion,  was subservient to the husband in many ways. Some people felt that eventually, these pressures of her new lifestyle would cause a mental breakdown and she might have tried suicide again - she could not face another breakdown in her marriage, Remember, she had tried suicide as an escape from her grief about her marriage to Charles and his close relationship with Camilla. Of course, this is pure speculation by others.

  I think that she would have been happy with Dodi who gave her comfort, understanding and love in her time of need.

I hope that that there would have been a happy ending for this wonderful compassionate Princess of the People - The Queen of Hearts as she wanted to be.

I have only had a glimpse of the real Diana over a 7 year period but probably the most dramatic period in the Diana Story.

I am full of praise for Dr James Colthurst due to the fact that as far as I know he has not tried to make large amounts of money out of his close personal relationship with Diana. Since we have reached the 20 years mark of her untimely death, I feel now is the time that James should write his own book about his relationship with Diana both before and after her marriage to Prince Charles. I think that the People of the World who care about Diana's Legacy should know the Truth and only the Truth about those dark years.

I feel privileged to have known Dr James Colthurst and to have had authentic Glimpses  of Diana through the eyes of a decent, warm friend of hers. James helped Diana so much for coming to her aid and agreeing to make those intimate and revealing  tape recordings. We should remember that Diana invited James to help her make those recordings.  History is full of wars and evil . The Legacy of Diana is proof that Human Beings can provide Goodness to triumph over Evil. Diana shines like the brightest Star in the Heavens.
I hope that We, the People can be guided by her Legacy forever.
May her memory never be forgotten.

We should be very grateful to Dr James Colthurst for the key, understanding role he played in helping Diana Express  her feelings.


 " It was Dr James Colthurst who was the true Hero in allowing Princess Diana to go public about her anguish and failed marriage to Prince Charles. True, Andrew Morton wrote The Book about Diana but it was James Colthurst whom she invited to expose her story. History should recognise the efforts and friendship of Dr James Colthurst. He was a true and trusted friend of Diana.
He was the one who knew about her attempts at suicide, her eating disorders, her fear of isolation in the Royal Household and the possibility of losing her beloved William and Harry within The Establishment.
It was James Colthurst whom Diana turned to late at night when her doubts and anxiety about Charles were at their heights. James was her loyal friend and confidant long before others became involved. Yes, he was the true Rock on which she knew she could trust 100%."

" His positive role in relation to Princess Diana should be recognised. He is the one who should write a Book......unless he promised never to release her innermost secrets ! "

Dr James Colthurst in the days of his close friendship with Diana


Her car entered the tunnel in Paris at speed.
A person unknown, but  probably a colleague of the motor cyclist,  at the Exit End of the tunnel flashed a strong white light at the car with the intention to make the car slow down so that the Motorcyclist photographer, driving close to the car could take close up photos of Diana and Dodi in the back of the car.
However, the Plan failed because the light was too bright and blinded the driver of the car momentarily making the car swerve and crash into the pillar inside the tunnel.

It was an accident caused by independent members of the Press Photographers Community who were chasing the car from the Hotel and the person who shone the bright light at the car.
This is entirely the view of Eurekys and is speculation which may never be proven.



So, the current England Womens Cricket Team are World Champions. What a great achievement. What a long way Women's Cricket had come since the days in the 1960s when I was the Chief Executive of Ofrex Limited, Britain's largest Office Products Company at that time.
One of our brands was Fordigraph.  An employee of Ofrex was John Chance who was friendly with Rachel Heyhoe, the Captain of the England Women's Team at the time.

As a result, I agreed to sponsor the England Team. We supplied them with kit including travel bags and other items for their tour of Australia.
One of my best memories was an invitation to attend the farewell party in Piccadilly prior to their departure for their Australian tour.
At the Party I was lucky to meet the famous England Cricket Team Star Len Hutton, opening batsman who served England so well with Denis Compton.
I had a photo taken with Len Hutton and Rachel Heyhoe, who later became Rachel Heyhoe Flint. What a magical evening that was.

I am so pleased that my modest sponsorship of the England Women's Cricket Team over fifty years ago has helped the Team on their way to greatness in modern times.
Rachel Heyhoe Flint has had a major role in the success of England Women's Cricket.  She was already a dedicated leader in the Sixties.
Well done you Ladies. Keep up your great performance.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017


For Posterity

Wales has a population of some 3 Millions and it is one of the oldest and smallest Countries in the World.
The Welsh language is one of the oldest spoken languages in the World.
In West Wales and North Wales the majority of the citizens still speak Welsh and avidly protect and rightly cherish the Welsh language.

This Celtic Nation is a proud Nation but most people regard its integration into The United Kingdom as sacred.
I am Welsh but I am also strongly first and foremost British in my loyalty and outlook. Long may the Monarchy of Great Britain flourish and survive.

Wales has an identity that makes me so proud of my heritage.
I love Welsh songs, it's Choirs, its Rugby and Football, its Eisteddfod, its History and the thousands of Welshmen who fought in the World Wars 1 and 2.  Many gave their lives, including my Welsh Father to defend Britain.

I love Welsh food such as Lavabread - a special type of seeweed which they harvest at Penclwdd near Swansea. I like Cockles from Swansea Market covered in Oatmeal, Welsh Lamb, Bara Menyn - a special type of bread, Welsh Beef, Milk from West Wales, Butter from Mid Wales and so on. They even produce Red and White Wines in Wales as well as Welsh Whiskey. Yum Yum !

Years ago, I hit on the idea of filling jars with Lavabread, attractive packaging, sold as a type of Welsh Caviar through shops such as Harrods and Selfriges in London and at major retail Supermarkets.
The Plan was to buy up the existing Lavabread production units in West Wales and expand as the business  grew. Perhaps one day one of my Grandchildern will become Lavabread Millionaires !

Welsh people are friendly people. They love to say...
Croeso am Cymru...Welcome to Wales.
Each year, there is a warm welcome for The International Festival of Song and Dance held in Llangollen, North Wales. There is Peace, Unity and Happiness through the performances of people of many Nationalities.
The natural environment of Wales is simply breathtaking. Whether you visit the majestic mountains of Snowdonia in a North Wales,
The annual Eisteddfod held alternatively in North Wales and South Wales is a feast of Welsh Song, Dance, Poetry and Heritage.

The beautiful beaches of South Wales, particularly the Gower Peninsular, will make you marvel at the natural beauty of such a relatively small Country.
There is a certain lump in the throat when one crosses the Severn Bridge and passes the sign - Welcome to Wales. Yes, Wales is a very welcoming Country.

People talk to each other in the streets. They know their
neighbours. They help their neighbours in time of trouble.
Music is at the heart of Welsh People. In many a terrace house you will see in the front room - the Best Room , an upright piano.
Many schoolchildren take singing lessons.

Gone are the days when the Welsh fought the English. Throughout Wales, the visitor will see many Castles built by English Kings.
Today, the enemy are the English Rugby Team. However, the rivalry is in fun and not in anger - unless the English narrowly beat the Welsh.

Yes, Wales and England share a common future. The Welsh Nationalist Party, Plaid Cymru represent only a fraction of Welsh
Political opinion.
Devolution has given the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff a great deal of power. Of course, Politicians always want more power.
The vote to leave the EU was backed by a majority of the Welsh Electorate. The future of Wales is intertwined with the future of England and The United Kingdom. The Millions of servicemen from all over the United Kingdom who gave their lives in WW1 and WW2 did not give their sacrifice to see their Country torn apart by Political rivalry and insular perspective.

I want my Grandchildren to appreciate Wales. They may live most of their adult lives in England but I would like to see part of their Hearts in Wales. This is my legacy wish for them.

Thank you Wales for a lifetime of pride for my Welsh Heritage.
Thank you South Wales, North Wales and Mid Wales for giving me such pleasure over so many years. Diolch yr Fawr -Thank you very much.

Floreat Swansea my home Town. Cymru am Byth my Nation of Birth.

God Save the Queen and all the peaceful people of Great Britain -
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - and our friends throughout Europe. We may leave the EU but  we will not leave Europe.


An unfinished WW2 Case Study

No one who watched the Ceremonies on BBC TV at the Menin Gate and Passhendaile Cemetery in Belgium to commemorate the 100 years since in 1917 more than 500,000 Allied soldiers died or were injured, could fail to be impressed by the work of the CWGC.
The way in which the white headstones were beautifully managed after so many years is a great impressive example of the work of the CWGC.
All over Northern France and Belgium you will find similar cemeteries managed so well by the CWGC. Thousands of white headstones with the bodies and remains of service personnel from the World Wars 1 and 2. After so many years, the headstones are clean, well maintained with little gardens of flowers.
I am very proud of the CWGC and their main supporters The Royal British Legion.

The families of those lost in the two World Wars are rightfully thankful to the CWGC for all their fine work. It is right and proper for the CWGC to leave this Legacy to the young as well. They must realise what War is all about. It is not glamorous. It is full of death and injury. They must remain alert to Dictatorship, challenges to Democracy and Terrorism. Good must prevail if we want to live a life of Freedom.
One can appreciate the difficulty for the CWGC identifying bodies or body parts. It was and is a difficult task.

However, to be realistic, mistakes are made by the CWGC.

In 2016, my brother and I discovered where Lancaster Bomber
EM- L crashed on the 18 October 1943. This was due to a great German Hero from Hannover, Herr Dirk Hartman.
We were given proof of the crash site by a Police Report, Witness Statement and Fragments of the Lancaster. Robert Hardman of the Daily Mail covered the whole story in such a caring and wonderful manner.

Dirk Hartman also discovered an official Report stating that on the 18 October 1943, Two Coffins were taken to the site near the road from Ronnenberg, the body parts of 6 charred airmen were taken and burried with 6 other Coffins in a communal grave at Ronnenberg Cemetery.

Another official Report listed the contents of each of the 8 Coffins burried at Ronnenberg.
In 1946 all 8 Coffins  were dug up and taken to the new Hannover War Cemetery.

We have photographic evidence of grave Headstones with 2 names per gravestone at Hannover War cemetery - making 14 body parts remains. These have been identified by name.
20 bodies / parts were taken to Hannover War Cemetery. There are  6 bodies / parts left unaccounted for.  EM- L bodies / parts burried at Ronnenberg in Coffins 7 and 8 amounted to 6. One Rear Air Gunner had bailed out and was a prisoner until repatriation in 1944 by the Germans.

Near to the headstones which are named at Ronnenberg Cemetery are some Headstones which are unmarked.
The British Legion in Hannover have stated that there are no records available to say what happened to Coffins 7-8.

We believe that the unmarked Headstones near the named Headstones from Ronnenberg contain the bodies / parts of 6 members of the crew of EM-L.

We appreciate the difficulties for the CWGC after WW2. We understand how documents could get lost.
However, we believe that we have all the circumstantial and positive evidence in Report form, to get the CWGC to place the names of the 6 crew members of EM- L on the Headstones identified.

Understandable mistakes can be made. We think that the burden of proof is on our side.


Time for Change

I do not think that there are many people In Britain Today who approve of the way the £ Multi - Billions Foreign Aid Budget is spent. Neither do I.

Here are some facts -

16% of the Overseas Budget is spent on Crisis Relief monitored by the Charities and the UN
The UK spent £12.1 Billions. It met its target of 0.7% of GDP.
37% goes to the UN
63% goes via Bi-Lateral Aid
The USA spend 2% of GDP
Most of the UK Aid goes to -

All countries suspect for corruption and lack of Accountability.

Some of the problems with the Policy of Allocation is that sometimes 5% is charged by the Foreign Government for handling the allocation of monies. Too often, some monies are creamed off by the Foreign Government, their Civil Servants or by Distribution Companies. There have also been examples of goods being resold privately. The whole system is a shambles.

The British Government and the Civil Service must harbour a lot of the blame. Too often, they leave it to the Foreign Governments to disperse the monies as they feel fit.
Many times, the money allocation is not vetted and audited. There is poor Management control over the funds.
The pipeline of funds can sometimes be lost in a mire of confusion, lack of Progress Control and Management of Outcomes.
Yes, what a shambles ! No Project Management in place.
What can be done about this shambles ?

Many people in Britain think the answer is to cut the Budget by £Billions and pay the money into the NHS Budget. I agree with the sentiments but this could be a hit or miss way of reducing the Foreign Aid Budget.

I propose another route........
Allocate monies but via The Charity Organisations.
I  think we know that Charities are honest and they will allocate on the ground to those causes that need the aid.
 The Charities will ensure that the Aid reaches people who need Clean Water, Food, Crops, Education, Habitats, Clothing and so n.

Accountability from the Charities will be more accurate than from foreign Governments. No back handlers, no Special Bonuses or Commissions, no cooking the Books !
I trust the Charities such as Oxfam, Save the Children, the Churches and so on.

Of course there will be an outcry from the Foreign Governments and the corruption that goes with some of them.
However, the British Government cannot go on forever with the present Policy.

I for one has lost faith in our Civil Servants who allocate the Foreign Aid Budget. I believe that we are wasting £Billions of tax payers money with the present system.

So, what are we frightened of ? Start introducing the new Policy in fases. Cut out the Middlemen. Deal direct with the people in need-via the Charities.

However, make sure that he Charities are audited as well.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017



I have spent a lifetime on and off as a University Student.
In between, I have some 30 years experience as Chief Executive during which I recruited and trained many young students and older students - Many on day release to attend a College to pursue a qualification which I encouraged my employees to achieve.

What about the Wellbeing of Students ?

How can Society look after the Welfare of Students who will be the bedrock of Britain's prosperity in the future ?

1 - Financial Pressures

The present formula of charging a Student £9,000 per annum, payable over a period of time in the working lives is a big burden.
My proposed change is to allocate a £27,000 allowance against tax, so that over time, these fees and high debts are repaid so that the cost to Students is £Nil.
Controversial ? Certainly. Practical over time accounting for inflation and Net Present Value ( NPV ) - certainly. At least it deserves discussion of the Pros and Cons. It is innovative !

2 - Student Housing and Facilities

I strongly support providing more rooms in Houses of Residence and at worse, houses for 4 - 6 Students.
Placing young students in Bed and Breakfast facilities, sometimes more than 1 hour travelling time each way to University is a very bad system.
A sole student in such place can get very lonely, missing friends and can get depressed before anyone notices.

3 - Quality of Teaching

Once up a time, I studied at Henley Business School for a MBA Degree. The Lecturer for the subject Marketing was so bad that the 43 other students asked me if I would teach them Marketing.
I was a Past Winner of The National Marketing Award - for An Outstanding Achievement in British Marketing !
I do not want to see a Teacher or Lecturer monitored all the time but there must be more Student feedback on the Quality of the Course Teaching. The once in a while Ofsted visit is insufficent monitoring.

4 - Structure of Tertiary Education.

There needs to be change in the Structure and Duration of Higher Education Qualifications.
For example, A Level 2 years should count towards a Degree and the syllabus amended accordingly. At the same time, the Duration of a Degree should then be reduced to 2 years at University, making a total duration of 4 years ( 2 at A Level called Part 1 and 2 at University Campus called Part 2 ).
In Nursing for example, this would speed up the flow of Nurses into the NHS - badly needed.

5 - Student Consultation

I accept that good progress is being made. A Review should be instigated into the Pros and Cons of present communications between Universities,Colleges and Schools and Students.

6 - Early Course Advice to Students

There is a temptation on many courses to flood Students with Reading Lists that are too wide, too complex and too daunting.
This is the cause of a lot of stress for Students.
Similarly, I have witnessed Examination Questions that are far distant from what the Student had been taught.

7 - Mental Health of Students

Every Higher Educational establishment should have a Mental Health Monitoring Service. Every Student should be checked for stress. Stress Management Modules should be built in to every course. Students need to know how to live a Healthy Lifestyle within University and during their Working lives.

8 - Monitoring Political Extremism

This is a danger within every Higher Education establishment.
This must be monitored closely by University Management.

9 - Diversity

Students should be checked before entrance more closely for their understanding of the English Language. This is often overlooked by High Educational establishments.

10 - Health and Workload of Teaching Staff

Too many Teachers / Lecturers are leaving the Profession because they are overworked with paperwork and reporting procedures demanded by Central Government. This source of stress and illness must be reduced.

11 - Governance

Management Boards should include Student and Parent Representation. Parents because often they are paying towards their children's High Education. I spent some £100,00 educating my children.

12 - Board for Student Affairs Department of Education

This should include lay people with strong Educational experience In  Higher Education to give a broad perspective and a fresh outlook on future Strategy and Policy. It should not be exclusively structured with serving Educationalists or retired Senior Educationalists.

These are just a few of my views for further debate.

Raymond John Williams MA MPhil MBA DIPM

July 2017

Wednesday, 19 July 2017


So, The BBC have finally published their List of Salaries paid to their Entertainers. I wonder why it has taken so long ?

The List shows that the top earners are paid over £ 2 Millions per year whilst many are paid at least
£250,000 per year. What GLUTTONS !

This is a total disgrace and it shows how outrageous these payments are out of Public Money.
It also shows that the Top Management of The BBC have been out of touch with reality. How dare they pay thee salaries to people who are not worth it. How disgraceful that they waste Public Money in this way.

It also shows how bad the Government have been in allowing such salaries to be paid.
They should have put a cap on salaries at the BBC.

This latest burst of Gluttony follows news that some Chief Executives of Councils earn nearly £500,000 per year.
Vice Chancellors of some Universities earn nearly £400,000 per year.
School Head Teachers earn over £100,000.
People in the NHS such as Chief Execcutives, Consultants earn over £250,000 per year.
The Civil Service is just as bad offering massive salaries to the Top Brass.

NHS employees have had their salaries capped at 1% per year for more than 7 years.

We live in a Society of Gluttons. However, it is self perpetuating. Recruitment Agencies lead the way in saying - You must pay these salaries - it is the going rate.

Will this Gluttony ever stop. No, I do not think so.

Only, the Government can set limits in the Public Sector. Will they ?

What level of Expenses are these BBC high earners claiming ?

Are all these so called Celebrities paying 40% Income Tax on their earnings at the BBC ?
Or, are they channelling earnings via Companies which they have set up to reduce their Tax Take?

My view is that there should be a 60% Tax Rate on earnings over £100,000 per year.
I also think that as a matter of urgency, the Government should instruct HMRC to review the Tax Returns of BBC High Earners - just in case there is Tax Evasion practices going on.

Friday, 7 July 2017



Here we are again - The Wimbledon Tennis Tournament.
It is a great occasion provided it does not rain like 2016.
The grounds are magnificent with the beautiful flowers. The Tennis stars are brilliant. We love going to Wimbledon if we can get tickets.

However, what we do not like is the big rip off for food and drinks.
They only sell Lanson Champaign. In 2016, Asda were selling the exact bottle of Lanson Champaign with a Wimbledon branded top for £26. At Wimbledon the exact same bottle was £75.
This year 2017, they were changing more than £80 per bottle.What a cheek and what a massive profit they were making. Rich people could not care less. They were buying lots of Champaign. Disgraceful!

One of the favourite drinks are Pims. This year they were serving Pims from a tap - full of lemonade and a small measure of Pims in a plastic cup. Hundreds were queuing up for some Pims. What was the cost ?  £8.50 per plastic glass ! £17 for the two of us. Plenty of ice as well. You can buy a bottle of Pims for £10. Another Rip Off.
But, people do not care.

Perhaps you fancy a piece of cake ? £3.50 per small slice. Or, a small bar of fruit - £3 please.

Coffee was more reasonable at £5 for two in a Cafetière. Nicely served.
Of course, many people park their car - another £20 unless you go to the Park and Ride for £15, taking 25 minutes to get to the ground.

Perhaps you would like a Programme ? That will be £10 please.

Perhaps you would like to book lunch at over £100 per person in the main restaurant.
Snacks such as  Hot dogs, fish and chips, sandwiches- all over priced.

OK, Wimbledon is special but be prepared to pay a lot for the experience.

I prefer Eastbourne Tennis. This year we saw Djolovic. Konta, Watson, Ostapemko and many more tennis stars. Better view on Centre Court and a lovely atmosphere.

Saturday, 24 June 2017



What a shock we have all had in June 2017 with the devastating fire with  major loss of life at the Grenfell Tower block in the Borough of Kensington, London.
The Government has launched an immediate Public Inquiry.
As a precaution, thousands are being warned that their Tower Block homes are unsafe and that they must leave their homes and in many cases, sleep on an or bed on the floor in a Leisure Centre surrounded by other residents. What about privacy ? What about the ill, Disabled, children and yes, Pets ?
It truly is a nightmare for everyone, young and old.

I hope that this latest Public Inquiry does not last months or even years before their conclusions or may I say confusions are released to the General Public !

I am only an ordinary citizen but I can list my questions for the Public Inquiry which need answers which should be easily attainable and  available without too much time and effort.

Let me start with the Planning Departments of local authorities.
Surely, they specified NON inflammable materials in the specifications used in buildings of all kinds ? For example,
High rise apartments, Hospitals, Schools, Hotels, Commercial buildings, Theatres and so on
Did they?

Did they check samples of the materials to be used for fire resistant specifications ?
Did they ?

When the materials were delivered for the onsite usage, did they check that the materials matched the specifications ?
Did they ?

Who signed the Purchase Order for the materials ?
Who And in what capacity ?

Building Regulations ?
Were these correct ? Did they ban flammable materials for use on Buildings ?
If Yes, who ignored them ?
If the Building Regulations were a fudge, who in the Council challenged these poor Regulations and refused to allow flammable materials to be used ? The Council had a Duty of Care.

Why wasn't the Buildings such as Grenfell not routinely checked for fire hazards ?
Or did they and their advice ignored?

Who in the chain of events is responsible ?
It must be the people who placed the Order in the first place if they did not specify non flammable materials, in my view.
If they did specify non flamable materials, someone in the chain as well as those who placed the order in the first place must be guilty.

I am surprised that many buildings do not have fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems as well as very loud fire alarms.
I know that hotels have them. What about all the other kinds of buildings ?

The Tragic Grenfell fire could be only the beginning of the risks in Buildings. Safeguards must be improved but they should not takes
 Months or Years in Debates, Confusion and Delay.

The people who have already suffered  Must be  compensated -by Class Action legal cases if necessary.
We must not forget safety in the home as well.
There must be a swift and immediate review of all legislation relations to the safety of Buildings of ALL TYPES.

The present problems might only be the tip of a very expensive iceberg!


Tuesday, 20 June 2017



In 2016, I was invited by  Professor Barbara Humberstone and Maria Konstantaki of Bucks New University to be a guest speaker at their 3rd Annual Conference - my topic being -
" Creating  a Healthy Lifestyle for the 50 Plus Generations. "
The transcript of my Presentation can be viewed on my website - EUREKYS. It was an excellent Conference and I have the greatest admiration for these two talented, intelligent, academics for their work for Preventative Healthcare which is my main Principle for a Healthy Way of Prolonging one's lifespan.

This year, I have just attended the 4th Annual Conference at Bucks New University. This time the main theme of the Conference was -
"Ageing Well - DEMENTIA and Physical Activity."
What a brilliant Conference it was !

One of the Presenters Jay Patel quoted some disturbing projections -

" Dementia affects almost 50 Million people worldwide, with new cases of Dementia occurring somewhere in the World every 3 seconds." Source: Alzeimers disease International 2017.

Barbara and Maria had once again assembled a well balanced range of speakers such as -

Professor Carol Riddick of Gallaudet University, USA
David Truswell, Head of DACE
Ruth Trout and Fiona Chalk, Department of Applied Health, Bucks New University
Dr Jonathan Lewis, Department of Performing Arts, BNU
Jay Patel, Hill Care Homes.
In the afternoon session, Delegates were able to try out various fitness exercises.

It is not my intention to summarise all these first class presentations. I suggest you contact Bucks New University for any transcripts.

What I want to achieve is to create a deeper awareness of modern day DEMENTIA and to promote to a wider audience what it is all about.

Let me confess - DEMENTIA is not my favourite subject but I am grateful to Bucks New University and the Speakers for making me understand, appreciate the challenges of DEMENTIA in its many forms which will become such a nightmare for Families, the NHS and Government funding in the decades to come. A major epidemic - unless WE do something about it. Can we within reason ? Yes we can ! More of this later.

Have I learnt anything new ? Yes.

Professor Riddick provided me with a myriad of information but I never knew that there was a connection between medication and DEMENTIA. Some tablets for Depression were linked to DEMENTIA. I never knew there was a form of Dementia called - Vascular Dementia - that any restriction from any source of blood flow to the brain could cause a type of Dementia.
How this happens is beyond my comprehension because I am not a Medical Doctor or Researcher.

The analysis of "DEMENTIA and the impact on diverse communities " by David Truswell was fascinating. Lots of recent and in depth  information. Facts not fiction.

Real life examples of DEMENTIA by RuthTrout and Fiona Chalk gave me a clear insight of the challenges families and Carers face when trying to deal with DEMENTIA Patients.

Dr Jonathan Lewis and his Dance Students were inspirational in the use of Dance in making life bearable for DEMENTIA patients.
He deserves to get more funding for this positive work with Dance. The Performing Arts does have a role to play in stimulating Dementia Patients and encouraging Social Interaction.
I admire his young dance students who want to play a positive role in offering Dance support to improve elderly Healthcare. Well done Young People.

Jay Patel of Hill Care Homes helps to train Carers in their approach to DEMENTIA. I have great empathy with him.
One of my earliest articles was - Care for the Elderly, Compassion or Fear ? I suggested that we need better trained Carers in Britain. Most Carers are wonderful people but we do need to improve their techniques for interacting with Patients.
We also need some increased form of tax relief for Carers who are qualified - I suggested a One Year part time " Certificate of Care " taken over a One or Two year part time period. There should be a monetary award for their Graduation.

Many of the current techniques for improving the lifestyles of sufferers of Dementia are good. I believe that Sensory Techniques such as - A loving kiss, An Embrace, Music and Memory Stimuli can play a large part in making sufferers happier within the understandable turmoil that they are experiencing. I wonder if one day,  Science and Medical Technology  might be able to increase the number and capacity of Brain Cells functions, reduce the Ageing Process and conquer Dementia ?
 I sincerely hope so. Perhaps being futuristic, I wonder if we could have Mini Nano Brain Computer Implants which could enhance Short term Memory functions. If we can have Heart Implants why not Brain Cell Implants ? Food for thought ? For our research scientists a question - Why do most of us have Long Range Memory Functioning but lose Short Term Memory Functions ? Is there any relationships between the two ? I do not know. I am only an ordinary citizen, But, we should remember that Innovation and Scientific developments  in the last 100 years have come about because some people asked the Right Question !

Do I have a recipe for Preventative Healthcare ? Yes, I do.

Can it help early and late development of DEMENTIA ? Yes, I can in my view.
However, will anyone in authority listen ? Or, will the answer be...
We have no money ! The Government printed -" Quantitative Easing " £400 Billions to save the Banks during the period after 2008. Why can't the Government print another £200 Billions for Healthcare in Britain ? We need more Long Term Investments in Britain.

My "Preventative Healthcare Plan " is as follows -

Train my mind by -

Writing Articles on Political, Social and Cultural Affairs." This article is Number 134.
Take an interest in Public Affairs.
Compose music - so far, I have composed  1 Concerto, 13 Pop songs, 1 Musical.
Google YOUTUBE - Emotionally Your Truly by Ray Williams.
Remain active in the Community - I have been a Volunteer for 10 years for Wycombe Swan Theatre, Past Chairman Wycombe 50 Plus Club.

Train my body to keep fit -

Summary - Tennis 3 times s a week, Table Tennis 2 times per week,
Gardening allotment 2 times per week
Note -Research has shown that Tennis and Table Tennis are great activities to maintain physical health and improve Cognitive Ability.

Eat Well to be Well

I do not overeat or drink wine. Good well balanced meals.

I am not Perfect

I have a number of ailments. But, they will not overcome me.
My MENTAL ATTITUDE is too strong.
Remain Positive, Be confidant and remember....Money is not everything.

Elderly life can be fulfilling. We all need to promote and practise WELLBEING.
Do not blame other people.
Doctors need to be more aware of the different characteristics and early warning symptoms of DEMENTIA.

Some regrets  about this Conference. ? Yes.

It was not attended by Representatives of the Department of Health, no Senior Executives of the National Heath Service, no Local Government Executives or Counsellors, no Top Management of Quangos with Healthcare interests, No Pharmaceutical Company Officials and so on. This is simply APATHY !
Maybe, if we all promote the key issues of Preventative Healthcare and Activity Programmes, we might attract more participation in Conference Number 5 at Bucks New University. I look forward to it.

Latest Research Results

The University of Singapore research study about Ageing reported in June 2017 -

" We found that....  Better Nutrition, Regular Physical Exercise and Mental Exercises can reverse frailty. "
The study showed that  " Nearly 50% of those who stuck to all 3 activities slashed their physical and mental " Frailty " substantially compared to 15% who only practised one of these functions.."

Do I have to say anything more ?

Thank you Bucks New University for leading the way in our understanding and defeat of DEMENTIA and other illnesses.
You are a 'Leading Light ' in our constant human battle with illness.

Good luck. We can help prevent or modify DEMENTIA.

Male your voices heard wherever you are.

Sunday, 18 June 2017



Have you experienced the No Reply Culture ?

You write to an organisation and you get no answer. Their Policy on Customer Service seems to be... Ignore you !
This phenomenon happens time and time again. No one cares. They have cut staffing levels to the bone.
Do you have a problem, a complaint or a suggestion a problem ? Ignore it. It is much cheaper that way.
A classic disgusting example of the No Reply, Ignore It Culture is the attitude and No Reply to the fears of the residents of the Grenfell Tower fire.
The Residents time and time again raised legitimate fears about fire hazards. The response - No Reply. No investigation.

Recently, I experienced my latest example of the No Reply Culture.
After the debacle of the General Election when the Tories lost a lead in the Polls of 20 points and Corbyn was seen as a hopeless Leader and Loser, the Tories lost their majority.

I have voted Conservative most of my life. I wrote a letter to the hierarchy in the Conservative Government providing them with a number of Innovative ideas that could swing the pendulum of Politics back in their favour. I also pointed out some articles which I had posted on the website EUREKYS. I have written some 133 articles to date about Politics, Social and Cultural Affairs

I wrote to the following people.......

PM Theresa May MP
Boris Johnson MP
Chairman of the Conservative Party
Steve Baker MP
Nigel Evans MP

What has been the result ?  No Reply. No acknowledgement. Nothing.

I would have thought that since my ideas were sensible and had great appeal to the Electorate, someone....perhaps a Secretary would have sent me a Letter of Thanks.
No, even Top Politicians are part of the No Reply Culture.

Of course, they all have excuses. We are too busy or short staffed to deal with your correspondence.

The same excuse is offered when you telephone large organisations with Millions of Profits after tax - nice returns for their shareholders whilst the rest of us earn 0.1% from our Bank savings.
" Your call is important to us. It will be dealt with shortly. "
45 minutes later....unless you have given up... they are still repeating ....." Your call is important to us. "  No it is not is my reply.
Your customer service is awful ! " It is just a robot kidding you trying to keep you on the line.
You are 24 in the queue the robot will say.

Of course, there is a terrible trend behind this No Reply Culture.
Nobody wants to take responsibility in the Public Services today or in the Private Sector.
The Government Officials like to hide behind a fog of No Reply Culture and Mea Non Culpa - it is not my fault.

The Public Inquiry method is often long winded...lasts years..with multi thousands of paperwork. Why does it take sometimes years to come to a conclusion ? It is because that In Britain Today there is a Culture of the bigger the amount of pages means the more thorough the investigation.  " Can't see the wood for the trees. "

Have our lives become so complicated and our Politicians so overwhelmed with Paperwork and Demands that they cannot be bothered to respond to the fears, ideas and vision of the ordinary citizen?  Is our Democracy and the Will of the People not worth anything except in a General Election ?

There must be more involvement from ordinary people in the Decision Making Process in Government.
It is outrageous that 2 Advisers were paid £140,000 salaries to forge the Conservative Manifesto which sunk the Conservative Majority.
I am sure many local people had good ideas - like me - but they were muted !

Thank goodness we have the Press and Media, the Trade Unions and Social Media.
However, we still have the No Reply Culture to deal with. However, we must create a better way  - in addition to the present routes - to get the voice of ordinary people heard.
This cannot be a few seconds soundbites on BBC Question Time or a few words in Letters to the Editor of your favourite newspaper.

I suggest that we have more Bottom up Panels rather than too many Top down Panels and Committees. What does this mean ?

It means that we listen more  to the collective views Nurses in the NHS,  Railway travellers, Customers of Energy, Mobile Phones, TV, Council Tax payers, Pensioners and so on.
The Trade Unions do have a part to play but unfortunately not if they are Politically biased - that is my fear.

Will anyone listen?

In today's Political Climate, I am pessimistic.

However, us peaceful, loyal citizens might one day, get someone 's never know !☺️